Rediscovered Athas fan site - Silt Archipelago and more

Another website rediscovered. Cyberdark. Includes many epic rules.

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I can’t open most of the epic rules and advanced being prestige classes. Just me or are they gone?

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It looks like archive dot org failed to capture those links.

Ah. Under links is a list of many emails on the old dark sun listserv, but while you can see the topics and number of words in each, I can’t access them either :(.

Edit: actually, some of the emails can be accessed, but it seems entirely random which ones were archived.

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This bit I included in the write-up for the WotC contest between campaign settings. Can someone find that write-up?

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Is that the Screaming Maw mace you wrote up for UnCon? I have a copy of that.

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Thanks, but I did find a copy in my hard-drive afterwards.

I don’t see Daskinor having a mace - writing about it was in actuality an exercise in communicating setting mythology, but I still like the slice of the wars I described. It’s rather beautiful.

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I found another website. This one has lots of 3E conversions for Dark Sun from 2E.