That old chestnut? Mind Flayers on Athas

Hadn’t really become active on yet, if I recall correctly.

That would have been around 2007, back I was fighting with the US government regarding family health and safety versus job security; they used that as an excuse to force me to “voluntarily” resign, as I was putting my family first and would not back down.

The project I was working on at that time was the collection of the entirety of the 3rd ed content from the WotC website and collating into my Archive (still available online).


<~~~~~~ Lurker for 13 years. Between 2004 and 2017.


I can attest to this. I don’t know why it was like that back then, but that was how it was.

I was focused on translation Ananasi (old World of Darknes) to polish,

I distinctly recall a post by a Templar to the WotC forums (don’t recall which one anymore) updating everyone on project status.

I and at least 5 other people immediately volunteered to assist on the projects, but got only radio silence. :man_shrugging:

That’s one of the major reasons that we’ll (the current Pristine Tower dev group) always prioritize finding a place for anyone that wants to help develop content for Dark Sun. :smiley:


I remember this. It was very much a closed shop.

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Yup. And maybe it was due to all the 13 yr olds who were doing 3e stuff badly or whatever.

Recriminations be damned, I’m happy to learn from past mistakes and move on. :smiley:


Couldn’t have said it better.

Yesterday is gone, but we are alive and kicking now. The Pristine Tower lives!

And this stands as an open invite to everyone. If you fancy helping us on any ongoing project, or would like support on the project you’re currently working on, come join us on our Discord server!

Just contact me, @Grummore, @The_DMs_Revenge, or @raddu and we’ll bring you in. :slight_smile:


Bah! Excuses, all of you!


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My, working with you!
Already 15 years…

Anyhow, I’m mapping for those enthusiasts now :wink:
And helping on items when I can :smile:

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