The Burnt World of Athas - Dark Sun Random Generators

Dark Sun Random Generators Posted in Setting about 15 hours ago Random generators are always nice to have for DMs that need some inspiration or some name. Here are some Dark Sun specific generators from around the web. Random generators are always nice to have for DMs that need some inspiration or some name. Here are some Dark Sun specific generators from around the web. Raddu Original creator of The Burnt World of Athas back in 1995 or so... Join me [@Raddu76]( Play Dark Sun with me on [Patreon](

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

If you have any suggestions to add to the list drop their links here!

I added a few more generators by @JesseHeinig from his twitter reply.

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While this isn’t an automatic generator like the other ones this is a weather generator I made


I added two more terrain generators. One from Jesse Heinig and the other from Reddit’s Ehrvanthescribe.

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Random psionic item generator?

Random psionic power tables from the books?

Random power tables but modified for animals and plants to make unique psionic based encounters.

I mean this is Dark Sun, so the vast majority of the population should be up with psionics and down with magic.

Added a bunch more since I’ve updated it last and just added several generators by @rosemaryJ .


Linked the Dark Sun Trinkets table