2E Big Bad Evil Guy(s) stat help

Assuming you had a chimera of sorts being animated… say Sacha and Wyan’s heads being sewn onto Kalak’s corpse and being necromantically being brought back to life.

How would you stat this abomination?

Literally the failed draconic SK body with two other Champion heads sewn on. I have my ideas/notes, but curious what you’d all think the resulting Frankenstein would entail.

Some type of beefed up zombie golem.


I’d use that as a template and add some psionic or defiling special attack.

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I would also look up Dregoth’s 2E stats and those of an advanced being of Kalak’s level. Why?
Because there are some physical benefits or powers that might still remain, even in said condition.

Never know if I ran into Sacha / Wyan stats or detailed descriptions aside from their roles in the Cleansing Wars which would still make them powerful defilers/psionicists even before their undead status.

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It depends what you want to do with them. If they’re going to be an ongoing enemy or a one fight boss.

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Shooting for a sizable fight. There’s Dote Mal Payne and Densis about, using the Troll Grave Ruins to power the reanimation. They’ve been syphoning blood from the last troll as a major component in the ritual.

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Using the troll’s blood would be justification to give the creature a defiling regeneration ability.

Is the creature going to be sentient or just some mindless servant?

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Sentient. I want to have Sacha & Wyan bickering as they get used to steering their new body. The concept of why Kalak’s body was toted around so long was to keep his clones/contingencies from activating… and the corpse of a dragon? I love the idea of any dragon parts having magical abilities even in death.

The two heads will view this as a temporary vehicle until they can access their own reality altering spells and psionics once more.

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So its just going to be able to make melee attacks and no spell-casting?

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And Dote Mal has been picking their heads much like Tithian did in the novels. He plans on becoming a dragon himself - and might even start understanding the use of the troll ruins to speed the process. If Dote escapes, he’ll take the same arc that was written for 3.5.

Probably psionics at first - like it hasn’t had time to memorise spells upon initial reawakening. The main thing is that I want the head’s PSP base to be fully available after they attained a physical body (breaking Rajaat’s curse).

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Could you point me to a source document or reference on this ‘arc’ you mention.
Is this 3.5 Athas.org content or a Paizo thing?
I’m afraid my knowledge after 2E can be oh so spotty …

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Faces of the Forgotten North - The Burnt World of Athas - Faces of the Forgotten North

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