(3.5 release) Terrors of the Dead Lands: Pricing of the Trees of Life?

I’m a big fan of the “rebuild Athas” style of play. Thus, I like items like the Skull of Dorag (Forest Maker), the Everfull Bag of Seeds (Dragon’s Crown, at the shrine of The Great One in the Hinterlands), and the various items and artifacts wielded by the avangions.

And, of course, the Trees of Life.

So I was happy to see it brought forward to 3.5e.

I’ve got in mind (pure headcanon and thought exercise) a druid who experiments with Trees of Life. I’m trying to figure out how the Athas.org ToL was priced, so I can try building my own.


Oh, and the Hinterlands history (read in Thri-kreen of Athas) is kind of cool, too.

So far all I’ve picked up is the northern empires (north of the Jagged Cliffs) somehow or other managed to climb the two miles of the Jagged Cliffs and enslave the thri-kreen (same two subspecies as the Tablelands)(Taste of Fear adventure in TKoA, starting pg 96).

A few ages later, there was a kingdom of thri-kreen and humans. The leaders were a great thri-kreen and an avangion NOT (?) of the line of Oronis.

I’m interested in alternative avangions. E.g., the elf in Tribe of One, who hides in the past, who gets the Tribe of One from the elfling, and I think gets some power from the preserver sword (before it breaks due to being held/used by a servant of a defiler… which I think is just a stupid design decision :scream:).

I seem to recall the elf had feathers sprout from their chest…

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@methvezem Did you work on the Tree of Life? If not, any thoughts?

No, I wasn’t part of the design team. Nowhere near creative enough.

I like the current design of the ToL. It keeps the benefits of the two or three (?) copies I’ve seen in the 2e materials.

I especially like the maturation of trees of life gains them more protection. :+1::+1::+1:

Plus, I like that the terrain (for spell’s save DC and caster level) is treated as abundant. It gives a little oomph for preservers, above and beyond protecting fertile ground.

It would be nice to add the 4e zone of max healing from spells. I don’t know what a “square” is, in terms of distance in 4e, but they have a 5 square (5×5 squares?) aura. And I don’t know how the mechanic translates, but spending an extended rest (sleeping 8 hours?) in the aura grants an extra healing surge (whatever that means).

Also, performing a divination ritual in the aura grants a +5 bonus to a skill check. (Also don’t know what that means.)

These latter two benefits seem to replace the four daily spells available to clerics and druids, though, so I can see ignoring them.

The spells I’d like to see added to a variant tree of life are Backlash (Wizard 2nd level) and Conservation (Wizard 3rd level). A minor sting (5d6+5 max, save for half) to warn defilers. If they persist, they can’t cast (save negates). Even if they save, the terrain is treated as barren for determining spell’s save DC and caster level.

After which, the usual tree of life protection kicks in.

These would obviously be rare (because most trees of life would be found in defilers’ groves). It might be a fun adventure to try to infiltrate SM’s groves to try to “install a patch,” though I think that would be counterproductive (they’d just raze the grove and start over… or not bother with groves).

I’m sorry for the confusion, I was asking someone else - Methvezem - if HE was part of that design team.

@-ing him tags him on this conversation.

Ah, sorry. I’m not great with all this new fangled technology.

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As an aside, there logically shouldn’t be an avangion not of the line of Oronis.

Still, avangions travel backwards in time as part of their metamorphosis (no link with the ToO’s time traveling tower).

The Simon Hawke avangion appears to either predate the release of info on Oronis by the game designers, or Hawke didn’t read that book for reasons.

The Great One of legend, who once led kreen and humanoids alike, is likely a time traveling avangion from the future (cue Terminator theme) or not an avangion. That leaves us with a pyreen, a druid advanced being, or both?

But I’ve read explanations that made little sense, so I guess people care little.

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Those nuggets of lore are bait. You’ll tie yourself in knots trying to make sense of it because even the creators of that lore has no idea where they were going with that.