3.5 System Rework

Hey, first post haha :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve done a revision on the 3.5 system to fit some things from other systems (advantage/disadvantage, for instance). I also changed most of the character classes, and some athas.org’s prestige classes and feats.

It started as just an amalgamation of SRD + DS3, but it began to be much more than that. Now it’s mostly PHB + DMG + DS3 + Athasian Emporium, with many, many changes.

Here is the whole book, 400MB with revisions to races, classes, and much more.

Changes from d20 system include:

  • Advantage/disadvantage
  • New skill synergies
  • New skill uses
  • New feats (including those mixing two classes, e.g. fighter and gladiator)
  • Fighter feat and skill feat categories
  • Revision to psionics and some psionic feats
    • Psionic tattoos are permanent
    • Intelligent items are psionic
    • No dorjes, psicrown, psionic weapons/armor, psionic constructs, universal items, or psionic stone.
  • No arcane archer, blackguard, dragon disciple, duelist, dwarf defender, or eldritch knight.
  • Crossbows function as composite bows (with Str rating)
  • Metal weapons deal +1 damage
  • Shields (not bucklers) have +1 AC
  • Only one NPC class: Settler
  • Different settlement categories
  • New epic rules (still not finished)

The book was split into six low-resolution PDFs:

  1. Player’s Handbook (Races, Background, Archetypes, Classes, Skills, Feats)
  2. Athasian Emporium (Equipment, Magical Items)
  3. Universae Grimoire (Magic rules, Spells)
  4. The Will and the Way (Psionics rules, Powers)
  5. Wanderer’s Journal (Athas, organizations, planes, other ages)
  6. Dungeon Master’s Guide (everything else)

Hey, welcome to The Arena! Sounds like an awesome homebrew!

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Athasian Bazaar page 305, top of right hand column. There’s a percentage table that didn’t get the filler percentages replaced (00-00%, 00-00%, etc.).

Still just browsing through.

Though I must say, my American brain keeps glitching whenever it sees “meters.” :grin:

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Athasian Bazaar page 305, top of right hand column. There’s a percentage table that didn’t get the filler percentages replaced (00-00%, 00-00%, etc.).

Oh, thanks! :sweat_smile:

It should be something like

D% Dedicated Power
01-25 4th-level power
26-45 5th-level power
46-60 6th-level power
61-70 7th-level power
71-75 8th-level power
76-80 9th-level power
81-100 +2 luck bonus

Many eyes spot problems better. Or something. :grin:

I’m new to the forum and not very tech savvy. How do you do that quote thing? Am I not finding it because I’m on mobile?


When you hit reply, its the quotes symbol at the top of the box you type your message into (the page likes to scroll down to hide it on mobile, so you may need to scroll up to see it and the other controls).

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