Two different damage values are shown for Locust & Mini-Kank swarms in Terrors of Athas. The stat-block damage is not the same as the description damage.
Which set is correct?
Two different damage values are shown for Locust & Mini-Kank swarms in Terrors of Athas. The stat-block damage is not the same as the description damage.
Which set is correct?
MM1 has this in the glossary.
According to this, Both look to be wrong. 8HD would be 2d6 damage unless I am missing something.
Here is the SRD. Entry.
Compare to any of the swarm entries here
Mini-Kank swarm seems to be 4 HD, so 1d6 dmg is consistent with that MM table.
The Locust swarm might be correct, and just not consistent with the MM table - those are suggested standard dmg values, not required values. IMO, the locusts just do more damage.
100% ignore the dmg values in the text, as those are likely either copy/paste or 3.0e to 3.5e conversion issues.
Edit: I’ll add it to the liat of ToA errata.
At least the Locust Swarm has Improved Natural Weapon to cover the damage increase.
Oh, yeah, there you go then.