[3.5e] Athasian Swarm Damage Discrepency

Two different damage values are shown for Locust & Mini-Kank swarms in Terrors of Athas. The stat-block damage is not the same as the description damage.

Which set is correct?



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MM1 has this in the glossary.

According to this, Both look to be wrong. 8HD would be 2d6 damage unless I am missing something.


Here is the SRD. Entry.
Compare to any of the swarm entries here


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Mini-Kank swarm seems to be 4 HD, so 1d6 dmg is consistent with that MM table.

The Locust swarm might be correct, and just not consistent with the MM table - those are suggested standard dmg values, not required values. IMO, the locusts just do more damage.

100% ignore the dmg values in the text, as those are likely either copy/paste or 3.0e to 3.5e conversion issues.

Edit: I’ll add it to the liat of ToA errata.

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At least the Locust Swarm has Improved Natural Weapon to cover the damage increase.


Oh, yeah, there you go then.

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