Abolish Knowledge (warcraft) and Literacy in favour of standard 3.5e - a proposal

No More Literacy or Knowledge (Warcraft)

This proposal argues for removing Literacy and Knowledge (Warcraft) as distinct skills in Athas.org’s Dark Sun 3.5e rules (DS3), replacing them with streamlined mechanics using existing skills.

Problems with Current Skills:

  • Literacy: Unnecessary, redundant, complex, and inconsistent with 3.5e core.

  • Knowledge (Warcraft): Redundant with existing Knowledge and Profession skills.

Proposed Solution:

  1. Literacy:
  • Remove the Literacy skill entirely.

  • Default: Characters are illiterate unless their background clearly indicates otherwise.

  • Decipher Script is Key: Use Decipher Script for all reading checks.

  • How Decipher Script Works:

    • Treat all writing as potentially unfamiliar.

    • One Rank = Basic Literacy (One Language): A single rank in Decipher Script allows a character to read and write one language they already know how to speak.

    • Additional Ranks: Required for:

      • Reading/writing additional known languages (one language per rank).

      • Deciphering unfamiliar scripts, codes, damaged texts, or complex texts.

  • Knowledge Skills: Use relevant Knowledge skills for understanding content and context.

  • Roleplaying: Emphasize the rarity and social implications of literacy.

  • Speak Language: Unchanged.

  1. Knowledge (Warcraft):
  • Remove Knowledge (Warcraft) as a distinct skill.

  • Create a “Warcraft” pseudo-skill , calculated as:
    Highest of [Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Profession (soldier/mercenary)] + Int modifier.*

  • Trained Only: Requires ranks in at least one of the relevant skills.

  • Precedent: This follows the existing Secular Authority model.

  • Synergy Bonuses: Apply standard 3.5e synergy rules. Having 5 or more ranks in any of the three relevant skills provides a +2 synergy bonus to Warcraft checks. This bonus stacks, so having 5+ ranks in two of the skills would provide a +4 bonus, and 5+ ranks in all three would provide a +6 bonus.


  • Simplifies the skill system.

  • Eliminates redundancy.

  • Aligns with 3.5e core.

  • Emphasizes roleplaying.

  • Provides a balanced way to represent Warcraft expertise.

Changing the basic mechanics of 3.5e was the original sin of DS3.

Here is what the change would look like.

Decipher Script (Int; Trained Only)

  • Core Function: You can decipher writing in an unfamiliar language, a message written in an incomplete or archaic form, or a code. You can also learn to read and write a language you already speak.

  • Check:

    • Basic Literacy (One Language): Spending one skill rank in Decipher Script grants basic literacy in one language the character already knows how to speak. This allows the character to read and write simple messages and common texts in that language. The DC for reading or writing such texts is implicitly included in having the rank; no roll is typically required unless the text is damaged, obscured, or otherwise unusually difficult (see below).

    • Additional Languages: Each additional rank spent in Decipher Script can grant basic literacy in another language the character already knows how to speak (one language per rank).

    • Unfamiliar Scripts, Codes, Damaged Texts: The base DC is 20 for the simplest messages, 25 for standard texts, and 30 or higher for intricate, exotic, very old writing, or deliberately obscured texts (codes, ciphers, etc.).

    • Understanding Content: Success on a Decipher Script check for unfamiliar or complex texts means you understand the general content of a piece of writing about one page long (or the equivalent). For literate characters, this check also represents understanding nuances, authorial intent, and deeper meaning beyond the literal words. The relevant Knowledge skill (see below) may also be required for full comprehension.

    • Failure: If the check fails, make a DC 5 Wisdom check to see if you avoid drawing a false conclusion about the text. (Success means that you do not draw a false conclusion; failure means that you do.) Both the Decipher Script check and (if necessary) the Wisdom check are made secretly.

  • Relevant Knowledge Skill Check Deciphering the script only grants the meaning of the text. To understand it, a secondary check may need to be rolled. For example, you decipher a scroll written in an archaic script, success! But what does it mean? Roll knowledge Arcana as the subject is Arcane Magic.

  • Action:

    • Basic Reading/Writing (Literate Characters): Generally, no action is required for literate characters to read or write simple texts in a language they are literate in, unless the text is unusually difficult. Writing longer or more complex texts may take time, as determined by the DM.

    • Deciphering: Deciphering the equivalent of a single page of script takes 1 minute (ten consecutive full-round actions).

  • Try Again:

    • Basic Reading/Writing: Generally, no, unless the circumstances change (e.g., you get better lighting, find a magnifying glass, etc.).

    • Deciphering: No.

  • Special:

    • A character with the Diligent feat gets a +2 bonus on Decipher Script checks.
  • Synergy:

    • If you have 5 or more ranks in Decipher Script, you get a +2 bonus on Use Magic Device checks involving scrolls.
  • Untrained The character cannot read.

Warcraft (Pseudo-Skill)

  • Core Function: This pseudo-skill represents a character’s overall knowledge and practical experience in organized warfare. It encompasses strategic thinking, tactical deployment, logistics, leadership, and understanding of military history and traditions.

  • Calculation: Warcraft is calculated as follows:

    • Base: The highest skill rank among the following:

      • Knowledge (history)

      • Knowledge (nobility and royalty)

      • Profession (soldier/mercenary)

    • Modifier: Add your Intelligence modifier.

  • Trained Only: You must have at least one rank in any of the three skills listed above (Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), or Profession (soldier/mercenary)) to use the Warcraft pseudo-skill.

  • Check:

    • Answering Questions: Answering a warfare-related question has a DC of:

      • 10 (for really easy questions, such as identifying troop types or formations, assessing logistics and supplies, or establishing camps and simple patrols).

      • 15 (for basic questions, such as identifying favorable or unfavorable terrain, deploying simple offensive or defensive troop formations, or establishing scouting parties).

      • 20 to 30 (for really tough questions, such identifying or establishing ambushes, deploying complex troop formations, or coordinating several levels of interlocking strategy).

    • Identifying Tactics, Armies, and Battle Formations: The DC generally equals 10 + the army’s Encounter Level. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.

    • Coordinate Allies: You can use Warcraft to coordinate allies. Each creature to be affected must be able to see and hear you, and able to pay attention to you. Make a Warcraft check with a DC equal to 15 + the number of allies affected. If the check succeeds, all affected allies gain a competence bonus on attack rolls or a dodge bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier. You choose which of the two benefits to impart and must impart the same benefit to all affected allies. The benefits last for 1 round. You cannot use this ability on yourself. Coordinating allies does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

  • Action:

    • Answering Questions: No action – you simply know the answer or you don’t.

    • Coordinate Allies: Full-round action.

  • Try Again:

    • Answering Questions: Generally, no, unless you gain new information.

    • Coordinate Allies: Yes, but only once per round. Each retry carries the same chance of failure.

  • Synergy:

    • Having 5 or more ranks in any of Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), or Profession (soldier/mercenary) provides a +2 synergy bonus to Warcraft checks. This bonus stacks, so having 5+ ranks in two of the skills would provide a +4 bonus, and 5+ ranks in all three would provide a +6 bonus.

    • If you have 5 or more ranks in Warcraft, you get a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks related to dealing with troops.

  • Special:

    • If you have the Field Officer feat (see page 72), you get a +2 bonus on Warcraft checks.