D&D as a game keeps the minutiae of everyday life out your way for simplicity’s sake, but I am interested in knowing what SPECIFIC trade items you can think of that an inhabitant of a city-state, or a slave tribe, or clan of herder/hunter/gatherers would trade for?
I already have ideas (some from Dune Trader tables):
earthenware for eating, for water, for cooking, and something to burn: dried dung, wood, wood coal
bamboo cutlery
clothing, cloth
rope, from the thinest (silk) to the largest radius (giant hair rope)
large bone rings (to attach leather or rope to)
clothes, and crap rags to scrap off crap with (yup, romantic past and all)
shit sticks (yep, all real world items)
basic soap
weapons, including the basic kitchen/house bone knife everyone has
seeds, under rare occasions
furniture, both wood and bone, with leather and rope, and cotton (or other) stuffing
baby and young children’s simple toys
jewelry, from the non-metallic, non-precious ordinary to more fancy stuff
lamps and lamp oil; candles
work animals, saddles and farming equipment, and animal feed
household animals for pest control
adult gaming equipment of all sorts, like dice or a board with pieces
ritualistic items such as statues, incense burners, special clothes
medicine in the form of herbal teas, powders, poultices
replacement tooth made from wood or ivory
Note: consider that city-state houses and appartments do not have kitchens, and most of the city eats at eateries; nobles have fountains, trees, atriums, and kitchens (and slave cooks, of course)
I like that you mentioned toys. It’s not talked about much, but Athasian societies would have to devote a lot of resources to child-rearing, and I assume their society tends toward large families (the only comfort in a brutal world, and historically common). So cradles, swaddles, baby slings, playpens, walkers (apparently these were common in medieval societies)… I guess they used worm-eaten wood dust as baby powder.