Anyone ever stat out a Silt Aboleth?

I’m primarily 2E, but I’d be curious to see any edition really, or how you made it fit Athas.

I run a 5e Dark Sun game, but using aD&D 2e adventures. One of the random encounters in Dragon’s Crown module was something about some purple water turning plants into purple color and driving mad animals eating those plants. That was all the adventure said, but the druid was not going to leave that poisoned land, specialy after losing a kank to those plants. So they went underground and I improvised that the aboleth’s mocous was turning everthing poisonous. Aboleths fit in the “weird psionic dark sun mutant monsters” bag for me. So in this case I just used aboleths as in the book.
4e book has some guides to turn a monster into athasian monster, like adding burrow speed and things like that. In this case just add burrow speed and you will have a weird sand mutant psionic monster like a silt horror, but in “solid” ground, or sand wastes.
I hope this helps you. :slight_smile:


I’m probably going to stat one out proper… maybe do one of the derivative versions as well. Someone in the Dark Sun Facebook group was talking about an undead one and it got me thinking a T’liz variant would be cool if I can justify the defiler end of it.


These are cool ideas. If playing with experienced players, I would rename the aboleth to really through them a curve ball.

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A variant of intelligent silt horror maybe.

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Silt dwelling offshoot of a gaj? Similar to aboleth minus the mucus.