The Charter is what allows Athas to use Product Identity. (One of the reasons why I keep hoping, etc…)
If the Charter is truly no more, does that not mean the entire site has to strip all Product Identity from not only the site, but also all the pdfs and convert said content to one of the OGL versions?
It doesn’t really matter. This site and any other that wanted to create content can do so under the Wizards Fan Site policy, essentially as long as content is released for free it can be. The only thing that makes this site “official” anymore is people’s desire for it to be so.
I guess I should go read over that in detail then. Since the 5e beta disappointed me, I never bothered to read the 5e specific licenses under the thought that it would not cover 3e content. Perhaps I erred in that regard.
No. Those products are already published, under the charter. The charter hasn’t been withdrawn and this site can still produce “official” content for 3.5e until WotC gives notification.
I was aware that the 5e OGL is different from the 5e fan policy, and that both exist. Thank you for the link.
I am only seeking understanding.
Some people tell me the Charter is no more and nothing can be published under it (or that it is not worth it), while others say that it is still technically valid.
While the completionist in me desires a confirmation one way or the other, I have basically moved on regarding the Charter.
I would say it’s still valid only because Wizards has not said otherwise. That said. What does that really mean? We’re a group of fans creating content to be released free to other fans. That is no different than Wizards Fan Content Policy. So, sure you could still say we’re still able to officially release 3.5 content for Dark Sun, but anyone else could also release the same content on their own site. The only difference would be that we’re “official”, but what does that mean? People can use or ignore content at their tables as they wish. So the official moniker doesn’t mean much. Previously it probably meant that Wizards might consider that content for future use, but I’m not sure if they had ever used content from any of the “officia” fansites in any published works after. If anyone knows of them using it, I’d be interested in seeing what they used.
This /|\ is absolutely my feelings on the subject. If we leave the word “official” off (some of) our releases, we can use non-OGL sources, that’s about it.
Reports that say that something hasn’t been released are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are official officials; there are things we officiate we officiate. We also know there are official unofficials; that is to say we officiate some things we do not officiate. But there are also unofficial unofficials—the ones we don’t officiate we don’t officiate. And if one looks throughout the history of Eldaarich and other free cities, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones.
Placeholding this comment here for future discussion with @raddu .
…and I am rather triggered by the new release. I have repeatedly asked time and again for years how I can accomplish exactly this - a pdf released officially upon this site. The responses I received at those times did not seem to imply this possibility was in the cards. Yet here we are, at a new product release.
I am open to a phone conversation, as well, if that would be better for communication.