That’s the kind of list I wanted to make, so as a first step I tried to list venomous and poisonous DS monsters and some of such monsters from other settings that are common in Athas. It took much longer than I thought, seems that creatures in Athas really love poison
You can find the table containing the table via this [link].(
You may write here if you notice an error or missing monster in the list.
Some monster entries specifically list the class of poison according to the 2e classification, and some are easy to determine from the method and the damage. I think some poisons can be used to brew different poisons with different classes or similar effects. For example, Mastyrial venom which according to the Monstrous Compendium Appendix II causes 30/15 damage may be utilized to make a class A, B, C or D poison.
By the way, since most of the poison types have a long onset time which renders them virtually ineffective in combat. We use 10-15 second rounds from the Players Option Combat and Tactics, so we use the onset times as rounds instead of minutes, but I am considering to give all of the injected poisons a chance to hit the arteries and affect the target immediately.
Paralyzing poisons are tremendously popular among the monsters, but only three of them are specifically listed as Class O, probably because of long onset. The poisons that affect immediately, namely Class E and F, have many examples in the books. There are no ingested poisons except Mulworm’s, so those will have to be sourced from plants. Contact poisons class L and N are also missing, as well as the debilitative class P. Some of the poison listed in the books according to their classes are as folllows:
A (Injected, 10-30 minutes, 15/0): Cha’thrang, Mulworm (splash), Scorpion (Huge, Large), Spider (Huge, Large),
B (Injected, 2-12 minutes, 20/1-3): Megapede
C (Injected, 2-5 minutes, 25/2-8): Barbed Scorpion
D (Injected, 1-2 minutes, 30/2-12): Antloid Soldier, Gold Scorpion
E (Injected, Immediate, Death/20): Crystal Spider, Dark Spider Queen, Silt Serpent
F (Injected, Immediate, Death/0): Dark Spider, Goldbug, Scorpion (Giant), Spider (Giant), Phase Spider, Wyern
G (Ingested, 2-12 hours, 20/10):
H (Ingested, 1-4 hours, 20/10):
I (Ingested, 2-12 minutes, 30/15):
J (Ingested, 1-4 minutes, Death/20): Mulworm (ingested or injected)
K (Contact, 2-8 minutes, 5/0): Basilisk (claw)
L (Contact, 2-8 minutes, 10/0):
M (Contact, 1-4 minutes, 20/5): So-ut (Rampager)
N (Contact, 1 minute, Death/25):
O (Injected, 2-24 minutes, Paralytic): Soldier Kank, Wild Kank, Mountain Spider
P (Injected, 1-3 hours, Debilitative):