[Monsters of Athas](http://misdirectedmark.com/2018/06/04/bone-stone-and-obsidian-episode-5-monsters-of-athas/) The sands of Athas are unforgiving to those without bone, stone, or obsidian to protect their water–and their lives. After a small technical hiccup, Robert and Wayne search Athas to find the monsters that prowl its sandy wastes. Will they come out alive…? ### Topic Monsters of Athas ### Contact * Robert ([@Raddu76](https://www.twitter.com/raddu76), [Patreon](http://www.patreon.com/RobertAdducci)) * Wayne ([@VisionaryComms](https://www.twitter.com/VisionaryComms)) * Bone, Stone, and Obsidian ([obsidian@athas.org](mailto:obsidian@athas.org))
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://athas.org/news/404