City State Emblems?

Based on this its a bit hard to point to any specific cultural inspiration, ‘Celtic’ seems a little too on the nose for a culture called the Kel Tan, and wasps, ships, and paper are not commonly associated with the ancient Celts. Eldaarich’s ancient roots might have some inspiration from Tibetan or Andean mountain peoples, though sky burials were almost always something done to someone you respected, not an enemy.

If you worshipped Earth (I feellike Tibetans would be said to worship Air), a sky burial might be the ultimate “Eff you” way to dispose of the dead. And didn’t the Eldaarich think that Goblins were corrupt little $hits, ruining the roots of the mountains during the Cleansing Wars?

It’d be like burying your enemies faceup vs. facedown from that one episode of ST: Voyager.

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Yup the proto-Eldaarich’s use of it, going by the public release Secrets of the Dead Lands, was both a sacrifice to the spirits of air and to deny the goblins their own traditional rites, which in many goblin cities seems to have been a ceremonial communal cremation by the cult of ‘Ash.’

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