City-state of Balic

I would like to know if it is possible to get access to the supplement City-state of Balic that was planned by but not finished/released as far as I know ? Even if it is not edited or contains missing parts.
I can contribute to the project, as I’m very interested in this city-state and region of Athas.
Is it still a project going on ?



I would also be interested in this project.

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I would be interested as well.

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I always wondered why the Elf slaying Champion allowed elves in his city

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Once the Champions realised Rajaat was tricking them the only one who maintained the “Death to Demihumans” mantra was Dregoth. I always figured the rest of them had bigger things to worry about (Borys’ rampage, each other, total ecological collapse of the planet) than to keep Rajaats racism and genocidal ideas going.


Also remember that they have to make yearly sacrifices to the Dragon, and they need a certain population to fuel their own transformations as well. There’s just not enough living souls to waste, especially if you go with the official numbers.

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I thought i read somewhere that Andropinis still doesn’t care for elves and they’re not particularly welcome in Balic…

Well, considering their reputation for thievery and selling illegal goods, I don’t think they’re particularly welcome in any city state.

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Elves aren’t especially welcome in any of the Seven Cities, but it makes sense that they’d keep a low profile and small number in Balic if Andropinis is negatively minded toward them. They wouldn’t likely know who he was as Albeorn - that’s the point of changing your name. Alone of the other SKs only Lalali-Puy didn’t wipe out her race, but that said, there are no major Aarakocra settlements in the Windbreak Mountains so she probably doesn’t get a buzzing in her head that often (I’m ignoring Borys as he has his dwarf-free stronghold in Ur-Draxa way away from everyone else).


Sielba also failed in her quest but her city was destroyed before the typical game starts.

One other thing, continuing their murder of demihumans might have been politically unwise as it reeks of loyalty to Rajaat.


I’d be interested too :slight_smile:

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My thoughts on Andropinis and the elves. (this is taken from the discussion on the personalitys of the sorcerer kings)

A little bit about Albeorn/Andropinis

Back in the cleansing wars Albeorn was given the task of wiping out all elf’s beneath the dark sun. Back in those days the majority of elf’s lived in elven city’s.

When Albeorrn started the Jiihad against the entire elven race, the elf’s started to run and gathered up in small clans instead of elven kingdoms. The elf’s was very competent to the desert life - Albeorn army was not. It made the task of wiping out the elves extremely complicated because Albeorn army were to slow and heavy to keep up with the elves.

Therefore Albeorn had to use all his wit to complete the task, he have been granted by Rajaat.

The strategy was clear, he needed to make traps at the rendezvous the elf’s used. He gathered lots of necromancers and got them to make entire legions of undead beings to sit and wait for decades even centuries for any elf runner to come by. Every time an elf runner comes by one of those places, all the undead, golems etc in that area will animate by magic and slay all elven intruders.

Another favorite tactic Albeorn used and still do, is to let elf’s fight each other.

Albeorn/Andropinis have spy’s everywhere to make intriguies in many clans, especially his all time favorite clan “Night runners”, who specialize in murders, assasinations and intrigues.

Albeorn him self takes great joy of seeing elf’s fighting elf’s. Still this day Androponis is having many elven spy’s in the different clans. Andropinis saw the end of the Cleansing wars as a defeat, and he bears grudge. In Balic to day, there are around 3% elf’s. He loves to have elf’s around him, for as much as he hates the race, as much he admire them.

Many of the palace concubines are of elven blood, and he takes great pleasure in abusing them and break them down. None of these concubines have ever escaped the palace and lived to tell about the horrors going on in Mighty Andropinis private chambers.

Andropinis loves going to the Arena of Balic to watch elf’s fighting elf’s. He loves to set up scenes where elf’s are being mutilated, killed and humiliated. In his private chambers in the palace there is a lot of paintings on the walls showing all kind of bizarre complications where beautiful elf’s Are destroyed and torn apart. He is obsessed in many different ways of killing elf’s and have a huge dungeon to torture and mutilate elf’s.
The elf’s are his toy, like a cat is playing around with a mouse.

Rumours says that he have an entire island in the Sea of Silt, where he made an entire society full of mutilated, twisted and amputated elf’s. This place is rumored to be one of the worst, cruelest and most bizarre places in the entire Tyr region.

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Demand for these projects are still going strong, which is a good thing.

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Any update on this?

Also, any word on whether this version of Balic was to be before the Prism Pentad or after? I have a definite preference for before.

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Thank you for reviving this post. I still hope someone has access to the city-state of Balic draft and is willing to share it. It would be sad to loose all the work behind these projects.
For the era, I think it is post Prism Pentad.

My preference also go for pre Prism Pentad :smiley:


I have done quite a bit of work on Balic, with interest both during the long rule of the Dictator and the situation in the years subsequent the Fall of Ur Draxa, up until Free Year 19. I speculate my materials on Balican culture, government, military, religion, mythology, etc. are more in-depth than what might have been produced by TSR or WotC in some remote past. I have borrowed liberally from different creators here on, attempting to integrate their work as best I might, and it has helped create a more dynamic Balic that more believably lives and breathes in one’s imagination, and does proper respect to a fascinating city of a sorcerer-king under the Dark Sun.

Although my materials are not at this time suitable for presentation here, they could be made so in the future. If there is interest in this, I can pursue production of my notes into an accessible PDF which would be accessible here at

If you are interested, let me know, and I shall see what can be done.


Yes, please! I’d certainly look forward to that.


I would also like to take a look, even it is a rough draft, or even just notes.

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I’ll see what I can do gentlemen. It will be a project of sorts, but I should be able to accomplish this in time.


Always having fun to read everything done by fans!