Agreed. We had a similar problem when writing up Faces of the Dead Lands.
If you NEED an epic progression, I’d suggest just giving bonus feats per the epic wizard progression - 23, 26, etc.
Agreed. We had a similar problem when writing up Faces of the Dead Lands.
If you NEED an epic progression, I’d suggest just giving bonus feats per the epic wizard progression - 23, 26, etc.
For my purposes (mostly because I already had it scripted) I made it work like the Gladiator’s Threatening Glare except that it is sonic based & a Fortitude save vs Fear.
Is this an at will ability?
Spellstoring on Templar Knights would be very, very limited with their one or two harmful spells per spell level.
Using that ability seems fair.
Mmm, i doubt it - threatening glare is an ability gained at lvl 15, and can only be used gladiator lvl times per day.
Jaguar Roar is a feat that you can presumably get before 7th lvl (Jaguar Knight requiring BaB 7+), so…
maybe 3 times per day for Jaguar Roar?
Well, they CAN only use it 2x per day.
And, unless I’m missing something, they could use it with these spells, which are like half of their whole list (not including 4th lvl spells):
1st: cause fear, command, cure light wounds, inflict light wounds.
2nd: cure moderate wounds, death knell, hold person, inflict moderate wounds.
3rd: cure serious wounds, dispel magic, inflict serious wounds, searing light.
(Cure spells being useful against undead foes)
If so, doesn’t sound too shabby to me…
Maybe this just isn’t clear, but Oba’s Servant would already have Rebuke Plants from the Assumed Plant Domain & the templar description doesn’t mention anything about them performing worse than Clerics when using Domain Powers. It’s strange that taking a level in this PrC, with the Oba’s focus on nature, would make that ability worse.
Yeah, that’s not how that ability works - it may not be written clearly, but the wording is valid.
An Oba’s servant rebukes plants at their Oba’s Servant level -1 because they get it at 2nd level.
So a templar 6 / Oba’s Servant 5 rebukes plants as a (6 + (5 - 1)) =10th level cleric would turn undead, as that’s how many levels of “turning progression” vs. plants they’ve got.
My point is that an 11th level templar of Lalali-Puy, with no PrC, can do that better, which seems like the opposite of what this PrC should be doing. It doesn’t even say if the uses per day stack, which would make this Class Ability slightly more valuable.
11 > 6+(5-1)
“You get the granted powers of both the assumed domains.”
Ah, well that is indeed true, but that just makes this is a stupid PrC to do a 1-level dip into. Its just one level for just plant rebuking, and the character gets all these other abilities eventually with full spellcasting - that’s a lot more than most PrCs give you.
It may not be the best balance-wise, but its definitely not broken.
This prestige class simply needs correcting. It is in error, probably because of miscommunication within the original design team. Lalali-Puy has two domains, which means that one of the domains is always “plant”, which grants rebuke plants. The prestige class is granting the ability to rebuke plants, not merely advancing the ability to rebuke plants.
This really should be rewritten to advance rebuke plants for each level of the PRC if the character already has rebuke plants, or at PRC level minus 1 if the character did not have rebuke plants previously.
For what it’s worth, the Sorcerer Monarchs should have more than two domains each. The templars really need less homogeneity.
I think the Arcanist PrC is missing Search as a class skill. They get Investigator for free which grants +2 to Gather Information & Search checks & they have Gather Information as a class skill.
Decipher Script as well since it’s mentioned in their write up.
In 4e, Draj had the Jasuan (ambush drake) Knights instead, which is less derivative and still keeps the aztec theme, so I would change the name to that and give them an ambush drake mount\companion. might even change the name of the eagle knight to kest’rekel knight or some other athasian bird.
As for battle dancers, 4e had a gladiator paragon path called, jazst dancer, and while it has no particular connection to elves or divine magic, the art does feature an elf, so if you ever update the book, you might want to combine the two concepts, saying the tradition originated but is not specific to those with elven blood, and further separate it from the elemental singer, that to me sounds a bit too similar in concept if not abilities.
ultimately though, changing all the names might be asking too much
Seems fair. I agree.
The bottom of the skills matrix on page 78 of the Core Rulebook has this footnote, but there isn’t a single “U” in the matrix above.
Craft (Alchemy) also isn’t listed as a class skill for the Bard.
Oh wow. Yeah that’s too small, I didn’t see that looking for it.
Yeah, I hadn’t noticed ot before. I only saw those smudges when you mentioned it
The Dead Heart Interrogator is dead on arrival because it is a 4/10 dual progression class. The class features are flavourful but the progression utterly cripples the class. The capstone is powerful (bypasses immunity to mind effecting effects for a number of spells and powers), but its not worth the lost of all those spells and powers.
The Desert Runner has medium BAB. The entry class is ranger. It’s d8 like ranger, has 4 skills per level while ranger has 6, and has the same saves as the ranger. Recommend fix is to raise BAB to high.
The Master Shipfloater: the class abilities do not justify the reduction in spellcasting progression, which is 2/3. The abilities are extremely situational. Penalizing them is obscene.
The Royal Animator: broken in progression and class features. I have fixed it, however, after a few years of work and thinking about it. Will submit at the request.
The Sensei: I love it, with some caveats.
The simplest “fix” is just to say that 3.5e Monks exist in Athas. Otherwise, rewrite the entry requirements in a manner that doesn’t strongly imply a Monk entry into the Sensei.
The Arena Mage:The spellcasting progression is really sad. The capstone is potentially showstopping broken.
Persistent Touch (Ex): The arena mage has mastered the use of touch spells in combat by 10th level. Whenever you use a melee touch spell, the charge persists for
another round, allowing you to discharge the spell again the next round, as if you were holding the charge (PH141). If you are capable of multiple attacks per round (due to high level or being under the effects of haste, for example), you may instead elect to make multiple melee touch attacks with the spell against a single opponent, as though using a full attack action.
I’d limit Persistent Touch to 3x per day, or make the uses per day advance by the PrC’s level.
It’s not that broken, it’s a mishmash of Hold Ray, Arcane Channeling & Channel Spell, but it is very powerful.
Can fire off a touch spell for as many times as you can hit them, with a single spell. Depending on the spell, it could be insta-death. Requires a hit of course.