CR ratings for Athasian creatures

Greetings Athasians,

Long time DS fan, but running my first campaign thus far. I’m using the Athascon 5e rules. I love all the cannon monsters, but CR ratings aren’t included. Does anyone have a list of rough CR ratings for the cannon monsters of Athas, or if not, a way to roughly judge what the CR rating might be? The characters just reached 5th level.

Feel free to point me to a supplement or other post if this has already been covered.


Silt Runner

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@Xelu Can you help them out?

This is what we use, along with the monsters in the Spelljammer supplement.

Now, 5E2024 version of monsters are coming out in less than 30 days some time after that we’ll release our versions for Dark Sun monsters.

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I’d missed this. Another nice piece of work! Appreciated.

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