Dark sun core rules 3

I’m sure this has been asked, but is there any printed version of the dark sun core rules for 3.5 available anywhere? I’ve looked and can not find. Or a downloadable pdf?

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3.5 rules here:

I believe you can use

To print it.

The Core Rules can be downloaded from here: https://athas.org/products/ds3

Thank you. I checked out having it printed, it’s really not that costly.


Is it the v8-01 file from April 2024? I don’t see any newer updates.

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That should be the latest update, I worked on that one.

I have not heard about any 8.2 revision?

Yes, DS3-5e Core rulebook v8-01.pdf is the latest 3.5e version (from April).

There are some problems. I don’t know if this is intentional, but the Templars do not have purify food and drink and arcane mark on the 0 level spell list. Instead, they have these spells in their sigil. The sigil is a kind of strange mechanic. Did the original designers not put purify food and drink and arcane mark on the spell list so that they could create a class feature with the sigil? Very strange, anyway.

Cause fear should be added to the Templar spell list because it was supposed to be there at 1st level, according to wrath of the sorcerer king spell. The Templar list has remove fear at the same level.

Create undead, and greater create undead were supposed to be in the Templar list and were added in 3.5e ADO supplements, but were strangely not re-added to core in the revision. Page 15 terrors of the dead lands added create undead + greater create undead to the Templar list. As for animate dead, it is core necromancy spell for templars in 2E. One of the major templar roles was to organise the undead armies of the Sorcerer Monarchs. The templar is a competent necromancer. It should get animate dead.

Power word blindness at 9th level is an odd choice based both on spell selection and level (normally 7th level). M advice is to replace it with Mass Hold Monster at 9th. Has precedent due to hold person already on the list.

Oh good. I’m glad the errors are over in the spell side. When I did the full text check for r8, it was mostly grammar spelling and psionics. And then I accidentally moved something that was layout related, so I had to start over a few times, lol.

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