Dark Sun online campaign

Hi there. I’m doing an interest check for an online pbp campaign on Paizo’s message boards. I’m still working on a theme. So far I got slaves fight their masters, but I want something more than that. I want to run a campaign, but I want to do something different than guarding a caravan to New Kurn.

I’m taking suggestions.

The last campaign I ran had the PCs start as just hired guards delivering cargo from a city state to a small town. The new town, built upon the ruins of an ancient town along the coast south of Raam, would be a depot for the Merchant house to keep from getting taxed by the city state and also provide a shortcut by not having to take the long detour of the main roads. The town needs man power, new skiffs, etc. The PCs can either help the merchant house grow in power, or, like my group did, betray them and take over. They become the new leaders of this new merchant house and they now have a base that they can begins to try and make profitable. They often went to Raam to try make business relations, even cutting deals with other merchant houses, all while keeping their small town’s location a secret. lots of politicking and backstabbing. The PCs got a big kick out of figuring out how to make money from their little enterprise.

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That’s an interesting game, Gog. I might try it myself.

I dig the Paizo forum boards for PbP games. I’m currently in the process of planning a Dark Sun game on the Paizo boards using a modified version of the Shadowdark rule set. Here is the link if anyone is interested: paizo.com - Online Campaigns - Zedth's Dark Sun - Boiling Blood and Bleached Bones (Shadowdark Ruleset)

Recruitment will begin in the relatively near future, once I’ve solidified the game elements I have in mind.

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Good luck to you, Zedth!

What game system are you planning on using for your game?

Pathfinder 1e, basically enough! I’m still looking for inspiration for a theme.

I’ll keep an eye out for your game. I might apply to play in it.

As to a theme, I’ve found The Ivory Triangle area to be fruitful. You’ve got Gulg and Nibenay, both with their own unique flavors - both at loggerheads with each other, which provides ample opportunity in and of itself.
-PCs live nearby or in one of the cities?
-PCs see their city do something atrocious and so question their allegiance or even switch sides?
-Help fight for your city’s cause by defending your client village?
-Help establish a new client village or slave tribe while having to deal with both cities’ armed forces, jungle wildlife, and halfling villagers?.
-Pick up bounties on halfling scalps and Gulg templar headdresses?
-Establish a new trade route or work with a Trade house after a new type of wood is discovered in the jungle?
-The town of Salt View, home to escaped slaves, providing an opportunity to aid, hinder, or join the slaves therein.

For any Dark Sun game, as the GM you first need to decide on what the player characters’ perspectives will be. Captives breaking free? (very open ended) Vagabonds looking for adventure? (very open ended). Citizens of a city, and of what social class? (more narrow scope, allowing you to focus on NPCs, factions of note, and potential conflicts to be involved in), Former Templars and/or Sorcerer King associates? (open ended but with a sharp incentive to watch their back and/or escape wherever they are).

Answering just a few questions like those can help crystalize a game concept.

Yep, those do help. :slight_smile:

The Ivory Triangle does provide inspiration.

Dark Sun game recruitment thread is up. It can be checked out here: https://paizo.com/threads/rzs522zs?Intrigue-Under-a-Dark-Sun-Dark-Sun-Recruitment#1