Editing Formatter Help

The Arena understands both BBCode and some basic Markdown formatting.





Quoted text

> Quoted Text
[quote] Quoted Text[/quote]


Urls are automatically converted to links: http://athas.org

Links may also be given a description like so


May also be footnoted and referenced in multiple locations.

May also be [footnoted][1], and referenced in [multiple][1] locations
[1] http://arena.athas.org

unordered lists

  • lists
  • of items
    • with indents
    - list item
    * More items
          - with indents

##Ordered list

  1. an item
  2. another item
    with additional detail
  3. a last item
    1. with a sublist
    • stuff.
 1. an item
 2. another item
   with additional detail
 1. a last item
    1. with a sublist
    * stuff.


# heading 1
## heading 2
### heading 3

Horizontal lines

There is an uploader tool that may be used to attach images. Generally, any publicly accessible image URL may be embedded.

![alt text]( “an optional caption”)

 ![alt text](<img src='/uploads/default/original/1X/4d3f3307d234a22f2f9c0ac8ce049397ed1921f8.png'> "an optional caption")
<img src='/uploads/default/original/1X/4d3f3307d234a22f2f9c0ac8ce049397ed1921f8.png'>

If you need to specify image dimensions, the <img> html tag may be used:
alt text

<img src='/uploads/default/original/1X/4d3f3307d234a22f2f9c0ac8ce049397ed1921f8.png' alt="alt text" height=30 width=120/>

BBCode color tags may be used, allowing specifying the color by RGB hex

[color=#44588c]BBCode color tags may be used, allowing specifying the color by RGB hex[/color]


Spoiler text can be marked off and will be blurred. Users will have to click on the spoiled text to read it.

Warning This does not conceal spoiler text from notification emails, at present.

Kalak gets himself killed at the end of The Verdant Passage

This also works for images

alt text

Kalak gets himself killed at the end of *The Verdant Passage*
[spoiler]<img src='/uploads/default/original/1X/4d3f3307d234a22f2f9c0ac8ce049397ed1921f8.png' alt="alt text" height=30 width=120/>[/spoiler]


There is not yet any special syntax to make table entry easier (there are open feature requests for this), but HTML tables may be inserted and will be rendered:

Level BAB Features
1 +1 Weapon Proficency, Armor Proficency
2 +2 Bonus Feat