Goodmaster's Player's guide to his Athas. Chapter 1 Playable Races


The vulture-folk leaves on the cliffs and the mountains in clans and tribes. They are a spiritual people united in the faith of Mother-Wind.

Ability Score Increase: you have keen reflexes,and a strong intuition. you gain +2 Dexterity, and +2 Wisdom.

Age. You mature faster then a human being completly mature at 10; you can live up to 60 years.

Alignment You are usually a lover of freedom and your heart aches seeing other people in chain, while you soar in the skies. You are usually Chaotic Good.

Size: you are are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to your size.

Base Speed: You have a base speed of 20 feet on land.You also have a fly speed of 50 feet. You can’t fly while wearing Medium or Heavy armour.

Carrion Sense: You have a natural ability to sniff out carrion. This functions like the scent ability, but only for corpses and badly wounded creatures (creatures with 25% or fewer hit points). You have advantage to any Perception Check involving blood or corpse in 30 feet. You can pintpoint it with a bonus action in 10 feet.

Carrion Eater you have advantage on Saving Throws against Disease and Poison.

Claustrophobic: You receive disadvantage on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks when in an enclosed space unless you pass a saving Throw DC 15 on Wisdom every hour.

Hollow Bones you have light, brittle bones, and you are vulnerable to bludgeoning damage.

Darkvision: You can see in the dark, black and white up to 60 feet.

Keen Senses: You are proficient with the perception skill, and Double your proficiency bonus on Perception checks.

Winged Arms You can’t wield items in your hands or use it to cast spells while flying.

Talons: You can attack with your talons as a bonus action for 1d4 points of damage+ Dexterity, if you are flying, and not wearing boots. You need taylored boots to fit your talons. You can use your naked talons to wield weapons and shields and cast spells while flying.

Air Magic You can use this trait to Cast Ligtning Lure as a Cantrip. Once for Long Rest you can use this trait to cast Zephyr Strike, or, starting from level 3 Gust of Wing, or Starting from level 5 Lightning Bolt.

Languages: Aarakocra begin play speaking Auran. Auran of the Silvarak (Aarakokra) Dialect is very similar to prey bird sounds, and they tend to speak any language with the same hight pitches.

This humanoid, wingless dragons were created by Dregoth as the next step of evolution. The first batch was more brutish and less loyal to their creators.

Ability Score: You are phisically strong, you gain a + 2 Strength bonus

Age. Young dray grow quickly. you can walk hours after hatching, attain the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3, and reach adulthood by 15. You live to be around 80.

Alignment. Most First Generation Dray are chaotic on the ethical side, having be rejected by their creator and having embraced freedom. They tend toward neutrality on the moral side, as they can be savage, but are usually not malicious. Second Generation Dray tend to be Chaotic Evil because of the social darwinistic society they are raised in.

Size. You are are taller and heavier than humans, standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging almost 250 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision You can see in darkness, black and white, up to 60 feet.

Dread Ancestry.
You are a spawn of Dregoth, the Dread King a now undead sorcerer monarch of great power; you have Advantage to Intimidate Checks, you are resistent to Necrotic Damage and you have advantage against any fear effect.

Scales: your armor class when Armorless is 12+Mod of Dexterity .

Efficient Metabolism You can function with 1/4 of the food or water needed by a person of your size in a state of rest, and 1/2 of that amount in a state of activity.

You can choose between two subraces:

First Generation DrayYou belong to the first batch of Dray created by Dregoth and their spawn and you are stronger if somehow less brilliant then the latest batch. You have the following traits:

Tought you have a +2 Bonus to your Constitution ability score.

Aspect of Draconic Brutality: You gain a natural attack of your choise, a bite 1d6 +Str or a Tail 1d6+Str. You can use it as a bonus action.

Second Generation Dray

Strong Personality You have a +2 Bonus to your Charisma ability score.

Aspect of Draconic Dread you have two claws, you can use one as a Bonus action or as an Action, to make an attack on Strenght, and you inflicts 1d4+Strenght Necrotic Damage.

Laguages As Dray you speak Common and Draconic, a language full of sour notes and stressed accents, and it shows when you speak in other languages.

A stubborn and resilient people Dwarves are proud of their past and stubborn enought to build themselves a future.

Ability Score Increase. You are tought of body and tought of will. Your Constitutio score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. Dwarves mature at the same rate as humans, but they’re considered young until they reach the age of 50. On average, they live about 300 years.

Alignment. Most Dwarves are stubbornly tied to their tradition, and duty is their master, thus firmly on lawfull side. They tend toward good as well, favouring community ties and working for collective prosperity.

Size. Dwarves are short but heavy builded. Athasian dwarves are average 4 to 5 feet in height and tend to have an heavy muscle mass—a full-grown dwarf weighs in the neighborhood of 200 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is never reduced wearing heavy armour.

Darkvision You can see in darkness, black and white, up to 60 feet.

Dwarvish Stubborness you have advantage on ST against any Enchantment effect.

Dwarvish Resilience. You have advantage on Saving Throws against poison and are resistent to poison damage.

Dwarvish Focus.
A Dwarf can choose a focus, something which need at least one week to be completed. The focus usually regard one of these tasks: reaching a destination, building something, getting revenge for some slight, finding something or someone, learning something. While focusing, each roll made in the pursuing of the objective of the focus (at the discretion of the DM) is made doubling the profiency bonus, or with advantage. If a Dwarf renounce to her focus objective, she will get Disadvantage to any roll for a week and won’tbe able to refocus until then.

Dwarvish Tool Profiency You are proficient in a tool kit on your choose, and you get advantage when using it while focusing.

Languages. You can speak Common and Dwarvish.Dwarvish is a hard, dry language and a dwarf speaks any language with the same hardness.


Ability Score Increase. You are Quick of feet and quick of tongue. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 2.

Age. Elves mature at the same rate as humans, but they’re considered young until the reach of age of 60.While they can live about 500 years they rarely pass 140.

Alignment. Most Elves are caothic on the ethical side, a they believe in sef reliance and freedom, They tend toward neutrality on the moral side as well, believing in helping only their own family and friend and only as long everyone keeps up.

Size. Elves are tall and lithe, but surprisingly resiliant. Athasian Elves are average 6 to 6 and 1/2 feet in height and tend to have definite but lean bodies—a full-grown elf weighs in the neighborhood of 150 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet. You ignore the difficult terrain caused by sand and slippery stones.

Darkvision You can see in darkness, black and white, up to 60 feet.

True Child of the Desert You need 1/4 of the food and the water of a person your size would need in a time of rest, and 1/2 that amount in a time of activity. You are proficent in the Survival skill, and you are at ease with temperature between -4 F° and 122 F°. You istintively know where the north is.

Elvish Ran. Once for day you can enter in a trance like state which allows you to ran at an astonishing quick pace. You move, whatever is your load, as long it is inferior to your maximum, up to 24 miles in one hour After the first hour the Elf takes a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw, with a failure the elf takes a level of exahustation and thetrance end, with a success it can last up another hour or end without consequences. After the second hour the elf take a level of exhaustation and the trance ends.

Sleepless. You don’t sleep, you can fall in a state of trance of 4 hours in which you gain all the benefits if a long rest. You are immune to the Sleep spell.

Elvish Psionics you know the Message cantrip, and you can use this trait, once for long rest, to use the Expeditious Retreat spell. At 3d level you can use instead the Misty Step spell. At 5th level instead you can use the Haste spell.

Languages. You can speak Common and Elvish. Elvish is a musical language and an elf spesk any langueage with the same melodical undertone.

This deeply spiritual people survived the attempts of wiping it out hidding away in the Land before the Wind, a sort of psionic demiplane. They face the brutality of Athas without loosing their smile.

Ability Score Increase.You are charming and you are more aware of the world that maby gave you credit for. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. Gnomes mature at the same rate as humans, but they’re considered young until the reach of age of 40. On average, they live about 200 years.

Alignment. Most gnomes are neutral on the ethical side, if not outrightly chaotic,believing in flexibility and loving personal freedom, without repudiating, instead fully embracing, communal bonds. They tend toward good as well, showing kindness and generosity to anyone. Gnome adventurers are tendentially chaotic as they weaponize their humour against those who would like to crash their spirits

Size. Gnomes are short and light builded. Athasian gnomes are average 3 to 3 and 1/2 feet in height and tend to have little but definite muscle mass—a full-grown gnome weighs in the neighborhood of 50 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Darkvision You can see in darkness, black and white, up to 60 feet.

Gnomic Humour
You Gain Profiency in Perform and you add Double of your profiency bonus on comedy.

Gnomic Optimistic Caution. You have advantage on saving throws against fear, illusions, despair and mind influence. You have also advantage on Insight checks.

Gnome Psionics. You gain the Vicious Mockery Cantrip at will and Tasha’s Hideous Laughter spell once for Long Rest or at 3d level you can use Invisibility or, at 5th level you can use Major Image. Your spellcaster ability for these spells is Charisma, and your DC is 8+Charisma modifier+profiency.

Vanish in the Wind You can use your bonus action to istantly enter the Land before the Wind, effectively disappearing until the beginning of your next turn reappearing in any free space in 50 feet range even behind solid hobstacles. If the movement ends in a solid matter block you will be expelled in the closest free space getting 1d6 bludgeoning damage. You can’t pass throught force hobstacles. Next the entrance of one of the Gnomes hidden community you can use this ability to enter it alongside any consenting creature. You need to take a short or long rest to use this ability again after using it. After entering an hidden community, you need a Long Rest before you can leave it.

Languages. You can speak Common and Gnomic.Gnomic is a fluid and rhythmic language and a gnome speaks any language with the same rhythm.

Children of two words, welcomed in neither, Half-elves often grow up embittered and resentfull and channel these sentiments to thrive in a world which does not want them.

Ability Score Increase. You have inherited elvish agility and a sliver of human flexibility. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and an ability score of your choise increases by 2.

Age. Half-Elves mature at the same rate as humans, but keeps their juvenile appearance much longer. On average, they live about 150 years.

Alignment. Their elven ancestry pull them towards chaotic allignments, while their difficult life often push them towards evil.

Size. Half-Elves are often shorter and bulkier then elves but still thinner than humans. Their average height is 5 and 1/2 feet and they weight around 120 pounds.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Darkvision You can see in darkness, black and white, up to 60 feet.

Mixed Ancestry you count as both human and elf to determinate if effects, feats and items works on you.

Child of the Desert You are proficient in the Survival Skill and you need 1/2 of the water a creature of your size would while active, and 1/4 while on rest.

Wild Talent you learn a cantrip of your choise.

Languages. You can speak Common and Elven. Elven is a musical and poetic language, full of soft sounds, and you tend to speak every language in the same way.

This enormous folk are the results of experiment to create shock troopers for the Sorcerer Monarchs. It worked only partially as their minds now works in a somewhat randomic way, making them not completely reliable.

Ability Score Increase.You are enormous and resiliant, your Strenght score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. Half-Giants mature at the same rate as humans, but they’re considered young until the reach of age of 20. On average, they live about 250 years.

Alignment. As an Half-Giant, your mind works in a slightly randomic way. One of the axis of your alignement is fixed, but after every Long Rest you must pass a Wisdom Saving Throw DC 10. If you fail you must toss a d6 to determinate the other axis of your alignement. With a success you can choose either to keep or to change it.

Size. Half-Giants are big, large and heavy. Half-Giants average height is 9 feet and a half, their weight as an adult is 1600 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Mixed Ancestry you count as both human and giant to determinate if effects, feats and items works on you.

Powerfull Build
You are so big and tall that you phisically function like you are a size larger. You have advantage in any strenght counteropposed check against Medium or smaller creature and to every Strenght check to break and move things. You have also advantage against effects to move you against your will. You double the amount of weight you can lift with your strengh score.

Big and Tought You add 1 HP for each HD to your total amount.

Long Limbs When you use an action to attack your reach increase of 5 feets.

Big Stomach You need two times the amount of food and water of a medium size person in a state of rest, and 4 times that amount in a state of activity.

Too Big You need tailored suits of clothes and armour to fit your body.

Languages. You can speak Common and Giant. Giant is a loud language meant to be heard clearly at great distances and you tend to speak every language in the same time.

The only heir of a forgotten world Halfling do not trust other races and they have very hight standards. Convince them to trust not Halflings is an emprise of note in itself.

Ability Score Increase. You are agile, and your mind is strong, your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. Halflings mature at the same rate as humans, but they’re considered young until the reach of age of 33. They can live about 110 years, but on average they rarely live more then 80.

Alignment. Halflings are rooted in tradition and mantain a strong cultural cohesion, thus prevalently lawfull. On the other side they are xenophobic, and often engages in ritualistic cannibalism, thus they tends towards evil. Halfling adventurers might be more curious and open-minded then average.

Size. Halflings are short and light builded. Athasian halflings are average 3 1/3 to 4 feet in height and tend to have little but definite muscle mass—a full-grown halfling weighs in the neighborhood of 60 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Nimble You can pass throught the space of a creature at least one size larger then you.

Brave You have advantage against any Fear Effect.

Halfling Ancestral lore. You are proficient in the Survival Skill and you can choose one other Skill beetwen Nature, History and Religion.

Small but Fierce When you are reduced to 0 HP or less you faint only at the end of your next turn. Once you use this trait you must wait until you have had a Short or Long Rest to use it again.

Languages. You can speak Halfling. Halfling is a brisk language with a quick pace and a halfling tend to speak any langueage with the same frantic pace.

Rarer then Half-elves Half -orcs are often the fruit of businness relationship between human and orcs. As the Orcs are seen as fierce yet trustworthy, Half-Orcs are welcomed in comunities which trade with orcs. As Orcs clans are pragmatic, being half human will not be a great problem.

Ability Score Increase. You honerited orchish charme and a bit of human flexibility. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and one other Ability score of your choise increase of 2.

Age. Half-orcs mature faster then human, and they are considered adults at 13. On average, they live about 130 years.

Alignment. Most half-orcs have the honourable, lawfull, mindset of their orcish parent. Many of them decelop a more idealistic moral compass and tend towards good alignement.

Size your average heigh are 6 and 1/2 feet tall and you weigh around 190 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision You can see in darkness, black and white, up to 60 feet.

Silver Tongue you are proficient in the Persuasion skill. You have advantage in Persuasion checks when you bargain to get better prices.

Mixed Ancestry. You are considered both an Human and an Orc to determinate if an item, feat or effect works with you.

Wild Talent you know a cantrip of your choise.

Languages. You can speak Common and Orchish.Orchish is a brisk practical language, and you tend to speak every language in the same way.

The predominant species in the Table-lands of Athas, Humankind survives and thrives thanks to its adactability.

Ability Score Increase. You have potential Increase 2 Ability scores of your choise by 2.

Age. Humans are phisically mature around 16-18 years; only the most lucky see a century of life, with 55 as an average.

Alignment. Humans have a rich variety of culture and traditions, and while Athas is a brutal world, any kind of moral and ethics appear with regularity among them.

Size. Humans have a broad range of heights and weight varying from 4 and 2/3 feet to 8 feet and from 80 to 400 pounds . Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Skilled You Gain Profiency in two skills of your choise.

Bonus FeatYou can choose a bonus feat you have the prerequisires for.

Wild Talent You gain a cantrip of your choise.

Languages. You can speak Common, the language of the Table-lands.

A race of small intelligent lizards, similar to sentient velociraptors, this nomad people is surprisingly insightfull and cultured travelling and trading information and usefull items in all the table-lands.

Ability Score Increase. You have a prodigious memori and you are quick of reflexes as much you are with your wits. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 2.

Age. Johzal mature at the same rate of Humans but they can live up to 140 years.

Alignment. Jozhal are a people with a complex social structure and thus tend to Lawfull alignment. In spite of their slight obsession for magical items they are usually honest dealers and hospitable, thus good aligned.

Size. As a Jozhal you are small even with your snake-like necks; your normal height average between 4 and 5 foot, and an adult Jozhal wights around 80 pounds.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Darkvision You can see in darkness, black and white, up to 60 feet.

Camouflage Your scales change color to blend with the sourrounding ground, and they even change the colors of any leather or hide you are wearing; .If you are wearing armour made of hide or leathers or no armour you can attempt to hide with a Stealth check even if you are in plain sight.

Jozhal Lore. You have proficency in the Arcane skill. You have advantage in Arcane skill checks to identify magic items.

Bite. Your bite is a natural attack you can use as a Bonus action using Dexterity, it inflicts 1d4+Dexterity modifier Damage. If you use it with an Action your reach raise by 5 feet.

Magic SightOnce for long rest you can cast Detect Magic.

Eclectic Scholar Add half of your proficency bonus to any untrained check with the Dungeon, History, Nature and Religion skills.

Languages. You can speak Common and Jozhal. Jozhal is very reptilian language made of tonge’s klicks, teeth grinding and hight pitched shrills, and you tend to speak every other language .

The Mantis-folk is the dominant species of the Crimson Savannah and in northern Athas. They are culturally divided in nomadic Thri-Kreen and civilized Tohr-Kreen.
Ability Score Increase. You are agile, your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Age. Kreen live short lives, being mature a mere 1 year after hatching, and being seen as venerable ancients at 25.

Alignment. Kreen have a pack and clutchx mentality which often makes them seem utterly alien to other people however they do have a strong sense of tradition and thus tend to lawfull alignements. J’hol Kreen tends to be lawfull Evil, while T’Keech Kreen tend towards Lawfull Good. The other Nations/ Subraces tend to be lawfull neutral.

Size. You have a mantis like body but you are big, standing 7 feet tall, and being long 11 feet from the top of your head to the tip of your abdomen. You weight an average 460 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.

Darkvision You can see in darkness, black and white, up to 60 feet.

Four armsyou can use your four arms to hold objects, but you can only attack with one one handed, or two-handed weapon with an action. You can use one of your free hands to wield a shield or cast a spell or attack with a light weapon, as a bonus action.

JumpYou can use Athlethics to Jump horizontal without moving first, and you can Jump vertical like it was horizontal.

Powerfull legs You are proficient in Athletics and you have advantage in any Athletics Check you make to jump.

Efficient Metabolism You need only 1/4 the water and food a person your size would neeed while resting, only 1/2 while on activity.

Bite Your bite is a natural attack you can use as a bonus action, Dexterity against AC. You inflicts 1d4+ Dexterity modifier Poison Damage, and if the target does not pass a Constitution Saving Throw DC 8+ your Profiency Bonus+ your Costitution Modifier, they are poisoned for 1 hour.

Antennas Your antennas are very sensible and makes all your senses sharper. You have advantage to Perception checks.

Kreen Weapon Familiarity You are proficient in the use of the Chatkcha, and you consider a Gitchka a martial weapon.

Chitine Your Armor class while armorless is 12+Dexterity modifier. You need tailored armor and clothes.

Sleepless. You don’t sleep, you can fall in a state of trance of 4 hours in which you gain all the benefits of a long rest. You are immune to the Sleep spell.

Unused to swim you have disadvantage on Athlethic checks to Swim.

Humidity Vulnerability you have disadvantage against any illness tied to a humid environment.


Militaristic and well organized massive J’ez Kreen have black chitines. They touch 9 feet of heigh and 13 of lenght and touch 500 pounds of weight

Strong your Strenght Ability Score increases by 2.

Powerfull BuildYou are so big and tall that you phisically function like you are a size larger. You have advantage in any strenght counteropposed check against Medium or smaller creature and to every Strenght check to break and move things. You have also advantage against effects to move you against your will. You double the amount of weight you can lift with your strengh score.

Merciless and inflexible J’hol Kreen have red chitines, they have smaller abdomen and a more humanoid guise.

Iron Will Your Wisdom score increase by 2.

Torturous Poison If a target is poisoned by your bite, it also suffers acute pain getting disadvantage to the following skill checks, Bluff, Insight, Intimidate, Investigate, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Survival.

Yellow chitines and short antennas, the Jeral Kreen are the most cultured and scholar bended of the Kreen.

Sharp Mind your Intelligence Score Increase by 2.
Ancestral Memory you can add half of your profiency bonus to any check of knowledge based on these skils:Arcana, Dungeon, History, Medicine, Nature, Religion, as long you are not proficient in it. If you are proficient you gain advantage in that check.

Pure hearted and unsophisticated T’Keech Kreen have green chitines and enjoys simple lives.

Friendly Your Charisma score increases by 2.

Peacefull You know the Sanctuary spell, you can use it on yourself once for Short or Long Rest.

Proud barbarians with yellow chitine and long antennas, the To’ksa Kreen are maybe the most known Kreen nation of the Tablelands.

Resilient Your Constitution score increase of 2.

Tireless You can ignore 1 level of exhaustation.

Reclusive and mysterious purple chitined Tondi Kreen are the most isolationist of the Kreen nations.

Cautious Your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Camouflage Your chitines change color to blend with the sourrounding ground.If you are wearing no armour you can attempt to hide with a Stealth check even if you are in plain sight.

Language You speak Kreen and Common, Kreen is a langage made up of words, body langage and antenna movements, and you tend to repeat them any language you speak.

These fierce looking crocodile-like humanoids roam the last Sea, and settles in some of the oasis of the Tablelands.

Ability Score Increase. You have reptilian endurance and cold-blooded predatorial instict. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. Lizardfolks mature at the same speed as human but rarely live more then 55 years.

Alignment. Most Lizardfolks are indifferent to either ethics and moral alignements, opting to a firm neutrality.

Size. You tower over most humanoids, being average 7 feet tall, being long almost ten from the top of your muzzle to the tip of your massive tail. You weight around 410 pounds.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You also have a Swimming Speed of 30 feet you can use also in mud and silt.

Protected Eyes Your eyes have an invisible lid that allow them to function without damage in sand storms and inside mud and silt. You can see in these condition up to 15 feet.

Darkvision You can see in darkness, black and white, up to 60 feet.

Hold Breath You can hold your breath up to one hour per Constitution modifier before you start to suffocate.

Scales Your AC while armorless is 12+ Dexterity Modifier.

BiteYour bite is a natural attack based on Strenght vs AC. The target get 1d6+Strenght modifier. You can use this attack as a bonus action.

Languages. You can speak Common and Draconic .Your dialect of the Draconic is a brisk and full of roaring and posing language, and you tend to speak all languages in the same way.

This sterile hybrid of human and dwarf are bred as perfect slaves, obedient and tireless. Recently they are starting to rebel.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strenght score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. You mature at the same rate as Humans but you stay healthy and strong way longer living up to 130 years.

Alignment. Muls are bred to be obedient slaves, and thus tend to lawfulness, but their human ancestry grant them a certain measure of rebellousness. Those who rebels fighg slavery with all themselves abd thus tends to good alignement.

Size. Muls are tall and heavy builded, averaging 6 feet of height and 390 pounds of weight. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision You can see in darkness, black and white, up to 60 feet.

Tireless You can ignore 1 level of exhaustation.

Ultimate Worker. You need to sleep only once every 72 hour, and you can simply rest two hour to gain the benefits of a long rest, between your sleeping shifts. You only need 1/4 of the water and food a person your size would normally need. You can also go without water and food for a week before starting to starve or getting thirsty.

Mixed Ancestry You are considered as both an Human and a Dwarf to determinate if an item, feat or effect works with you.

Languages You can speak Dwarvish and Common, you tend to speak every language in a booming way to be heard over noisy workplaces.


These purple scaled desert people are an ancient civilization with an hight sense of duty and family and a penchant for scheming and organize.

Ability Score Increase. You are agile and flowerly of words. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. Nikaals mature at 13 and can live up to 80

Alignment Nikaals tend towards a ierarchical and well structured society. Their fear of chaos and anarchy make them oriented to renounce to freedom for security, thus many larger community of Nikaals are Lawfull Evil. However the smaller communities are full of free thinkers and idealists making them Lawfull Good.

Size your average height is around 5 and 1/2 feet. Your average weight is around 140 pounds

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Efficient MetabolismYou can function with 1/4 of the food or water needed by a person of your size in a state of rest, and 1/2 of that amount in a state of activity.

Hibernate. When you need to survive scarcity, harsh climate or grievious wounds, you can fell in an hibernation state; you gain suspended animation (no need to drink, eat or breathe , you are inconscious) you gain regeneration per hour equal to your Constitution modifier, and resistance to any damage, you stabilize immediatly if you go to 0 HP or less and and you ignore external climate. You look dead unless a Medicine Check DC 20 reveals you alive.№ When you initiate a state of Hibernation you decide the duration ( From a minimum of 1 hour to a maximum of 1 year) and you can’t change it. When you wake up you need to consumate eight ration of food and water before you can hibernate again.

Nikaal’s Mind Discipline you have an eidetic memory and have advantage in every check of recalljng lore, Insight, Investigate and Perception in regard of things, places and people they have observed in the past. You also have advantage against attempts to read your mind or force your will.

Nikaal’s Scheming you are proficient in the Bluff skill, and you are a very convincing actor. Your scales change slightly in colour and look if treated appropriately gaving you advantage in the use of disguise kits.

Sense of Rhythm you are proficient in the perform skill, but only dancing. Your armourless AC is 13+ Dexterity modifier if you are not surprised or immobilized You need to move at least of 5 feet any round to benefit.

You speak Common and Nikaal. Nikaal is a very complcated tongue full of shades of senses. Non-Nikaals speaking it rarely manage to convene all the meanings a Nikaal can. A Nikaal is an exellent linguist and you are able to speak languages without any accent.

This siltfaring gray-skinned people combine pragmatism with imprenditorial bravery and manage to provide trade around the Sea of Silt and beyond.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, your inelligence score increases by 1 and your Charisma score increases by 1.

Age. Orcs mature at 13, but rarely reproduce until 25. On average, they can live up to 150 years.

Alignment. Most orcs are lawfull on the ethical side, believing in tradition and clan cohesion. They tend toward neutrality on the moral side, as they are pragmatic in their dealings.

Size. Orcs are tall and heavy builded. Athasian orcs are average 6 to 7 feet in height and tend to have big bones and a strong mucular mass—a full-grown orc weighs in the neighborhood of 210 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a Swim speed of 30 fett you can use also with Silt. You can also treat it as a Burrow speed of 15 feet in sand and soft ground.

Orchish Resilience
You are immune to the Gray Death, and never risk suffucation in sandstorms and while swimming in silt; you have advantage to saving throws against poisons and disease.

Siltfarer Expertise.
You have advantage on Tool Checks using siltfarers tool, and you are proficient with it. You also have advantage to saving throws against being knocked prone.

Orchish Diplomacy.
You are Proficient in the Persuasion and Intimidate Skills.

Sharp Senses
You have Darkvision 60 feet, you also do not take disadvantage to Perception checks when you are in scarce visibility. You have also Blindsight 10 feet while you are swimming in silt or burrowing.

Orchish Charme
You can use the Charme Person spell. After using it once with this ability you need a long rest to use it again. Charisma is your spellcaster ability with this spell. Your DC is equal to 8+Charisma modifier +profiency.

Languages. You can speak Common and Orchish. Orchish is a guttural and hard-sounded language and an orc speaks any langueage with the same harshness.

These reptilian folks seem to be humanoid wingless pterodactyls. They are deeply religious, devoted to the Mother Earth, Athas herself. The race differenziate itself in various subraces which differentiate by the crest on their head.

Ability Score Increase. You are wise and contemplative. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. Pterran mature at 12 years old but rarely sees more the 50 years.

Alignment. Since Mother Earth faith enphatize balance, mang Pterrans are neutral in alignement.

Size. You average height is 6 feet, you weight around 140 pounds, Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Claws Your sharp claws are natural attacks, you can use one as bonus action, Dexterity vs AC, and inflicts 1d4 + Dexterity modifier.

Darkvision You can see in darkness, black and white up to 60 feet.

Scales. Your armourless Armour Class is 12+ Dexterity modifier.

Echolocation You have Blind perception in 30 feet as long as you are able to hear. Every creature you are unable to see is still hidden up even if you know where it is. High level noise can disturb this ability.

Sharp Ears You have profiency in Perception, and you can hear distinctively four times better then a human.

The six subraces of the Pterran people are distinguisced by the shape of their crest.

***Dhecatl ***
Long-crested Dhecatls are the more common kind of Pterran from Pterran Vale. They are peacefull hunters and gatherers.

Long-lasting your Constitution Score increases by 2.

Speak with Pterax you can communicate simple concepts wih Pterax and other flying reptiles.

Humpted- crested Erix Pterran lives on hight cliffs and mountains.

Agile Jumper your Dexterity Score increases by 2.

Cliff Climber you have a Climb speed of 20 feet.

Drake’s Tail Crested Phylos Pterrans lives around the few great body of waters existing, or around mountain rivers, in the Drake’s Tail peninsula. They also live near Silt bodies.

Agile Swimmer your Dexterity Score increases by 2.

Swimmmer you have a 30 feet Swimming Speed. You can use it to swim in Silt with a 10 feet penality, but you can’t see clearly throught it.

Sun Ridge-Crested Hazeo are the mightiest of the Pterrans average 7 feet tall 200 pounds of weight. They lives in mountainous grottos.

Mighty Body Your Strength score increases by 2.

Strong Legs You ignore fall damage up to 60 feet as long you are conscious and not immobilised.

Spine Ridge-Crested Queltz Pterrans are the more civilized, they build elaborated nests- towns in canyons and gorges. They are the second biggest subrace, 6 and 1/2 feet of heigh, 180 pounds of weigh.

Smart your Intelligence score increases by 2.

Tool Proficiency you are proficient in a tool kit of your choice.

Axenridge-crested Yrrak Pterrans are the more mysterious of the Pterran tribes, only living in their homeland of Annatan , and rarely leaving.

Voice of Reason Your Charisma Score increases by 2.

** Voice of Wrath** once for Long Rest you can cast Thunderwave. The spell is casted like a powerfull yell on your part.

Languages. You speak Pterran and Common, you tend to speak all languages with the same acute notes you take speaking Pterran.

These little reptiles with big feet are the fastest raiders in the Sea of Silt among the few humanoid races able to make a life over that gray dust plain.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. As a Sik’skourr, you mature more or less as human being, and can potentially live up to 80 years of age, but make it past 40 shall be difficult.

Alignment Sik’skourrs, or Silt Runners, are seen as a little blight by many people who leave near or on the Sea of Silt , but they are actually a people able to form a complex society with strong social ties and thus they tend to lawful Alignments. Of course, as they often see themselves as the only rightfull masters of the Sea of Silt they tend to be fiercy territorial and ready to aggressively extort an heavy toll on trespassers. The thus incline to evil alignments.

Size. Sik’skourr are short and light builded. You are average 3 to 4.5 feet in height and to be quite lean, weighting around 45 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 45 feet. On Silt you can treat it as solid ground and reach 60 feet of speed.

Bite. Your bite is a natural attack, Dexterity vs AC, you inflicts 1d4 + Dexterity modifier with an hit. You can use this attack as a Bonus Action.

Children of the Silt Sea You are immune to the Gray Death, and you have advantage on Survival Skill Checks on its gray surface. You are also proficient in the Survival skill.

Dexterous Athlete you can substitute your Dexterity modifier to your Strenght modifier for Athletics Skill check.

Silt Running Once for short rest you can start a Silt Ran when you are standing on Silt. You can reach up 10 time your Silt walking speed and you can keep it for 5 minutes per Constitution Modifier.

Scavenger During a short rest you can harvest skin, meat and bones from any Medium corpse, to replace 1d4 ammunitions, 1d3 rations or 1/4 material for an armour.

Sharp Senses you have Darkvision, you can see in darkness, black and white up to 60 feet, you can also ignore penalties for scarce visibility in a sandstorrm or similar.

Languages. You can speak Sik’skourr and Trade Tongue . Sik’skourr is a guttural language full of almost avian sounds and you speak every language with the same guttural sounds.

Languages. You can speak Sik’skourr and Trade Tongue . Sik’skourr is a guttural language full of almost avian sounds and you speak every language with the same guttural sounds.

These long lived reptilian folks have a civilization centered around the numberous volcanos which dot Athas’ suface.

Ability Score Increase. You are heavily muscled Your Strenght score increases by 2.

Age.You mature as humans but are considered young until 25 years. You can live up to two centuries.

Alignment. Most Ssurans are honourable and abide to the ancient traditions of their people. They tend to be quite peacfull as long as they are not threatened so they tend to lawfull good alignment.

Size. You are average 5 feet tall and you are almost 7 feet long from the top of your muzzle to the tip of your tail. You weigh around 205 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Efficient Metabolism You can function with 1/4 of the food or water needed by a person of your size in a state of rest, and 1/2 of that amount in a state of activity.

Children of Magma You have Resistence to Fire damage. You have no disadvantage in Perception Checks throught smoke, vapor or fog. You are not bothered by any amount of heat.

ClawsYour Claws are natural Weapons. You can use one as an Action and another as a bonus action; Strenght against AC. With an hit the target recieve 1d4 + Strenght modifier damage.

Sensible tongue Your forked tongue is a sensorial organ very refined; you are Proficient in the Perception Skill, and you can percieve easily temperature variations and humidity in the air; you can ignore penalties to Perception Checks when you try to detect people which register as very cold (Undead, Constructs, Water elementals) in daytime or very warm (Warm bloded creatures, other Ssurrans, fire Elementals) in night time. You can also detect breathing creatures. You automatically detect such creatures in a 10 feet range. You also immediatly detect water sources in a mile range.

Scales your armourless AC is 12+ Dexterity Modifier.


Orange striped Helodex Ssurans are the most common Ssurran ecountered near the fire Gorge. They have sharp barbs on theyr own forearms.

Cunning you are patient and astute, your Wisdom Ability Score increases by 2.

Poison Barbs with a successfull claw attack you also force the target to a Dexterity ST DC 8+your Proficiency bonus+ your Constitution modifier. With a failure the target get 1d4 addictional poison damage abd is poisoned for an hour. With a success the target takes no damage.

Big and strong, green striped Vrax are quite taller and bigger then average Helodex Ssurran. They are 8 feet tall and 10 feet long from muzzle’s top to tail’s tip. They can weigh even 400 pounds.

Bulky Your Constitution Score increases by 2.

Powerfull BuildYou are so big and tall that you phisically function like you are a size larger. You have advantage in any strenght counteropposed check against Medium or smaller creature and to every Strenght check to break and move things. You have also advantage against effects to move you against your will. You double the amount of weight you can lift with your strengh score.

Languages. You can speak Common and Ssuran a language full of hard sounds, pops, and tonges clicks, you often add speaking any language.

Created with horrible experiments using Orcs as a base, Tareks failed to replicate Orcish powerfull psionics and personality. However, brutish as they are Tareks still have developed a society and a culture. They are distinguished in gray skinned Rock Tareks and Brown skinned Sand Tareks.

Ability Score Increase. You are surprisingly Agile your Dexterity ScoreIncreases by 2.

Age. Tareks mature at the same rate as human but they rarely live more the 40 thanks their brutal life style.

Alignment. You have a savage streak and your culture emphatize strenght and violence, so you tend to be Chaotic and often Evil. Tareks adventurers are often defectors, or part of moderate tribes and have Lawfull or good dispositions.

Size your average heigh is 6 Feet and 1/6 . You weigh around 235 pounds.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Darkvision You can see in darkness, black and white up to 60 feet.

Ferocity When you are reduced to 0 HP or less you faint only at the end of your next turn. Once you use this trait you must wait until you have had a Short or Long Rest to use it again.

Reduntant Vital Organs You have multiple vital organs, two hearts , four lungs, two livers exc, exc. Once for Short rest you can declare a critical hit against you a normal hit.

Tarek Resistence You are naturally resistent to magic, so you have advantage against Spells and Spell like ability.


Rock Tareks
Militaristic and obsessed in fighting defilers and by extension any magic users they deem as dangerous, Rock Tareks presents themselves ss the oldest of their race.

Strenghy of the Rock Your Strenght Score increases by 2.

Mage Slayer: You have Advantage to Attack Rolls against any target who used a spell or a spell-like ability against you between your last turn and the one you attack.

Sand Tareks
More isolationist and bent on surviving, Sand Tareks temperate with experience their natural distaste for magic.

Resilient Your Constitution Score increase by 2.

Excellent Metabolism You can function with 1/4 of the food or water needed by a person of your size in a state of rest, and 1/2 of that amount in a state of activity. You also have advantage against Poison and Disease.

Languages. You can speak Common and Trde Tongue, your dialect of Orchish emphasize the more guttural sounds and you tend to replicate those dounds in any language you speak.

This rare black-skinned horned humanoids are born when human mothers are tainted by the power of the Black, or by two Tiefling parents.
Ability Score Increase. You are brilliant and you have a strong personality, your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 2.

Age you mature at he same rate of Humans but you can live up to 300 years.

Alignment You have been tainted by the evil of the Black but you are not necessarily evil yourself. Often however social stigma pushes you in that directoon.

Size You have the average weigh of a human even if you rarely are shorter then 6 feet.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

You can see in darkness, black and white up to 60 feet.

Black Resistence. You have resistence to Cold Damage.

Black Legacy. You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip and you can cast the Cause Fear Spell once for Long Rest. At 3d level you can instead cast the Darkness spell once for Long Rest and at 5th level you can cast instead the Bestow Curse spell Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Languages. You can speak Common. You speak any language with an otherwordly undertone.

Tortles are a failed attempt to recreate greater Griks , who emigrated to create a primitive yet prospering society far from Hamanu’s grasping hands.
Ability Score Increase. You are thought as your hide, and you have fine istincts. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. Tortles mature slighty faster then humans, at 13, but they’re considered young until they reach of age of 50. On average, they live about 270 years, with a signifiant number of 300 years olders.

Alignment. Tortles tends to be aggressive in their youth, favouring Chaos over Law but they calm down as they age up, tending to Neutrality on both axes.

Size. You are massive in your carapace, Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet. Your speed is never reduced by armour or encoumber. You also have a swimming speed of 30 feet. You can swim in Silt at the same speed.

Slow and Steady
You have advantage against attempts to move you without your consent.

Shell. Your Armourless AC is 13+Dexterity modifier. You have disadvantage on Checks to jump.

Hold Breath. You can hold your breath up to one hour per Constitution modifier before you start to suffocate.

Tortle Defense You can enter in a state of Defense with an Action. While in the state of defense your speed is 0 feet. You can make only bonus actions, but you get a bonus +4 to your AC, every attack against you get disadvantage, and you have resistence to every damage. You get disadvantage to Dexterity ST. This state can last up to a minute. You can end it with a Free Action. You need a Long Rest before you can enter in the Tortle Defense state again.

Tortle Snap your bite is a natural attack, Strenght against AC, you inflicts 1d6+ Strenght modifier damage. You can use it as a bonus action, while you are in the Tortle Defense state you have reach of 10 feet.

Languages. You can speak Common and Tortle.Tortle is a a laguage full of acute sounds and snaps, and very long words, and you need time to say things with it. You never say something without taking all the time to say it, no matter the langauge you speak.

A secretive snake-people united by theyr religion and tgeir search of enlightment.
Ability Score Increase. You have a magnetic personality Your Charisma score increases by 2,

Age The Yuan-Tis mature as humans, Acolytes( Pure-Bloods) live more or less as much as human can, while Adepts( half-Bloods) can live up to 150 years.

Alignment Yuan-ti faith revolves around enlightment, self-improvement and self-realization, but often the hostility of Sorcerer-Monarchs driven city-states makes the Serpent-Folk enbittered and violent, alignment varies between Neutral Good and Neutral Evil

Size Adepts have tails reaching 5 feet, and their body is tall 6 and weigh 300 pounds, while Acolytes are slightly taller and heavier then humans.

Speed your speed is 30 feet.

Bite Your bite is a natural weapon, Dexterity vs AC the target takes 1d4 + Dexterity modifier Poison Damage. If the target fails a ST on Constitution DC 8+your Costitution Modifier +your proficiency bonus she is poisoned for one hour.

Poison Friend You are Immune to poison damage and to the poisoned condition.

Power of the Enlightment you learn the Poison Spray Cantrip plus See Subraces.

Speak with Snakes you can communicate simple concept with snakes.

The two variant of Yuan-ti that more often became adventurers are Acolytes and Adepts.

Human like Acolytes have only their serpentine eyes, their forked tongue and their poisonous fangs to show their true nature.

Brilliant minds Your Intelligence score increases by 2.

Forked Tongues You are proficient in the Bluff skill, and with the Disguise kit tools. You have advantage in Bluff Checks to pass as a Human.

Power of Enlightment you can use this trait to cast Charm Person once for Short Rest.

Half-snakes Adepts are gifted with a talent for assassination and information gathering.

Sly your Dexterity modifier Score increases by 2.

Agile Build You count as a smaller creature everytime it is advantageous to you, like to pass a space or constrict yourself. You can use your Dexterity Modifier in place of the Strenght modifier for Athletics.

Power of Enlightment you can use this trait to cast Acid Stream once for Short Rest.

Languages. You can speak Common and Yuan-ti. Yuan-ti is a smooth language full of hisses and whistles, and you tend to add them to any language, unless you consciously avoid it.


These are all well thought out. I’m not crazy about 5e, but they seemed well balanced. I have some minor gripes, but 5e is all about the power creep, so I’ll just ignore them.
However, Orcs and Gnomes are dead. There are also very, very few lizardmen left on Athas and have no reason to leave ths Last Sea. Also, Tielflings don’t exist on Athas. These should not be PCs, unless the DM is running an alternate Dark Sun setting.

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Note that:
A) Goodmaster has clearly noted on previous occasions that he has extant Orcs and Gnomes in his home game - hence their stats.
B) Tieflings are canon in (:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:, ugh, sorry) 4e. I don’t love their inclusion, but they’re on the books. Edition Wars are pointless.

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Thank you for the correction. I only played 4e once and did not care for it, so I was unaware of that particular change. Now, I am sonewhat interested in the reason why. Not enough to research it though.



I feel similar ways about it, and I’ve read all of 4e.

I think Tieflings are supposed to be mutated freaks of the wastes, as part of 4e’s effort to push New Race freaks to be from a combination of defiling & solar radiation, in addition to the PT. As a setting design decision, i can see the reasoning, but as a change to previous lore, it irritates me (my feeling about 4e in general, TBH).


I confirm what Adam said, I also specified in the title that this is the player guide to MY Athas, not canon Athas. So Orcs and Gnomes are alive and well, and you have also Half-Orcs and Tiefling, which were 4 ed Canon and I actually started to play on Athas with that edition. However I opted to rework them as tied to the Black instead then to Hell.

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Why increase the lifespan of elves? The fact that canon elves lived barely longer than humans helped set them apart from other elves.

You are right it was an overlooking of my part, now, they still have a 500 years life span, but owning to their harsh lives they rarely pass the 140 years threeshold.

Your material is good! Perfect for scraping for ideas for the Green Age.

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Glad you like it; I prefer using it in the current age, but you are welcome to scrap what you like.