Hi there,
Please help me fix this character stats! I know I have made some mistakes but I can’t figure out where they are for sure. Here you go:
Lord Rethor of Tyr - Human Blight
Male Stage III Avangion Champion of Rajaat Wizard (Preserver) 3 / Telepath 3 / Cerebremancer 6 / Epic Cerebremancer 8 / Avangion 3; ECL 31
CN Medium aberration (augmented humanoid (human), psionic)
Age: 51
Height: 5ft 10in Weight: 250lbs Complexion: Golden
Eyes: Gold Hair: None
Abil. Score Abil. Mod. Temp. Score Temp. Mod
Str: 16 +3
Dex: 12 +1
Con: 16 +3
Int: 23 +6
Wis: 14 +2
Cha: 17 +3
AC: 21 (+1 Dex, +2 deflection bonus, +2 Amulet of Natural Armor, Bracers of armor +2, ring of protection + 4)
HP: 261 (23d8 HD; +8 hp Psionic Body); regeneration 10; DR 10/epic and 5/–
Immune disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage, polymorphing, petrification
Fire resist 30 (Scorcher)
PR 32, SR 32
Saving Throws: Total: BS: Abil. Mod. Misc. Mod.
Fortitude +12 +7 +3
Reflex +10 +7 +1
Will +18 +16 +2
Melee: +14/+9/+4 (+11/+6/+1 base, +3 str)
Range: +12/+7/+2 (+11/+6/+1 base, +1 dex)
Attk: +20/+20/+15/+10/+7 (1d8+9+1d6 cold dmg, 2x crit +1d10 cold dmg, Scorcher +6 speed keen icy burst bane longsword)
Attk: +13/+8/+3 (1d4+3/1d4+3, 1d6+3/1d6+3, 2x crit., Quarterstaff)
Attk: +13/+8/+3 (1d4+3, 2x crit., Steel Dagger)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Attk +11/+6/+1; Init: +1 Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, discern lies, detect chaos/evil/good/law
Speed: 30 ft, fly 60 ft. (good)
Skill Name: SM Ranks Abil. Mod. Misc. Mod. (Points: 8)
Knowledge (Arcana) +31 25 +6
Knowledge (Psionics) +31 25 +6
Knowledge (the Planes) +21 13 +6
Literacy (Common) +4 4 +0
Disguise +7 4 +3
Spellcraft +31 25 +6 +2 (Synergy)
Bluff +9 6 +3
Concentration +28 25 +3
Decipher Script +14 8 +6
Psicraft +31 25 +6
Use Psionic Device +10 7 +3
Autohypnosis +17 15 +2
Sense Motive +6 4 +2
Gather Information +7 4 +3
Feats: Mind over Body, Scribe Scroll (bonus class feat), Psionic Body [Psionic] (bonus racial feat), Quicken Spell [Metamagic], Silent Spell [Metamagic], Psionic Weapon [Psionic], Greater Psionic Weapon [Psionic] (+4d6 to melee Attk), Psionic Meditation [Psionic], Craft Universal Item, Epic Spellcasting,
SA: genocidal focus (Human sub-type; +4 additional enhancement bonus, +4d6 damage, crit. Fort Save DC 27 or be destroyed turned to dust with no immunity to death magic or critical hits), Signature Spells
SQ: immortality, energy storing, avangion magic, defiling immunity, psionic enchantment (Arcane Augmentation, and Replenish Land (revitalize the area by increasing terrain type by one category in a 895-foot radius per day), change type to aberration, ageless, +2 deflection bonus on your armor value , spell-like abilities discern lies, detect chaos/evil/good/law, and tongues, DR 5/–, SR/PR equal to HD + 2, fly 60 ft. (good)
Languages: Common, and Draconic, Elven, Dwarven, Ignan, Terran, tongues
Equipment: Wastelanders Outfit, Concealing Weave, knotted Giant hair “Spell book”, steel dagger
Exp. & Exp. Needed: 468915 / 496000
Money: 39996gp, 1695sp, 6407cp
Saving Throw Difficulty Class: 10 + 0 Spell lvl + 6 Int modifier
Spells able to memorize: 0 – 4,1st – 4, 2nd – 4, 3rd – 4, 4th – 4, 5th – 4, 6th – 4, 7th – 4, 8th – 4, 9th – 4
Bonus Spells: 1st – 2, 2nd – 2, 3rd – 1, 4th – 1, 5th – 1, 6th – 1, 7th – 0, 8th – 0, 9th – 0
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 22nd):
0 lvl: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1st lvl: Chill Touch, Disguise Self, Charm Person, Mage Armor, Identify, Mount
2nd lvl: Invisibility, Web, Magic Trick, Darkvision, Mirror Image, See Invisibility
3rd lvl: Fire Ball, Major Image, Lightning Bolt, Major Image, Dispel Magic
4th lvl: Scrying, Leomund’s Secure Shelter, Invisibility, Greater, Ice Storm, Touch the Black
5th lvl: Leomund’s Secret Chest, Cone of Cold, Wall of Force, Baleful Polymorph, Permanency
6th lvl: Undeath to Death, Chain Lightning, Analyze Dweomer, Circle of Death, Sands of Time
7th lvl: Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion, Limited Wish, Prismatic Spray, Spell Turning
8th lvl: Prying Eyes, Greater, Control Weather, Prismatic Wall, Maze
9th lvl: Wail of the Banshee, Meteor Swarm, Wish, Mordenkainen’s Disjunction
Epic Spells Known As a wizard (CL 22nd):
Epic ― Preserver Metamorphosis II & III
Signature Spells: 1st – Magic Missile, 2nd – Scorching Ray, 3rd – Lightning Bolt, 4th – Phantasmal Killer, 5th – Teleport, 6th – Disintegrate, 7th – Forcecage, 8th – Horrid Wilting, 9th – Time Stop
Saving Throws Difficulty Class: 10 + the power’s level + 6 Int modifier
Power Points/Day 403 / 403; Psion Powers Known (ML 22nd):
1st lvl: Charm, Psionic, Mind Link, Mind Thrust, Conceal Thoughts, Missive
2nd lvl: Read Thoughts, Suggestion, Psionic, Biofeedback, Identify, Psionic
3rd lvl: Telekinetic Force, Energy Wall, Energy Bolt, False Sensory Input
4th lvl: Dominate, Psionic, Dimension Door, Psionic, Correspond, Telekinetic Maneuver, Hallucination*, Schism (ML 15th or ML -6)
5th lvl: Mind Probe, Psychic Crush, Plane Shift, Psionic, True Seeing, Psionic
6th lvl: Breath of the Black Dragon, Cloud Mind, Mass, Disintegrate, Psionic
7th lvl: Crisis of Life, Insanity, Phase Door, Psionic, Mindflame*
8th lvl: Teleport, Psionic Greater, Mind Blank, Psionic
9th lvl: Psychic Chirurgery, Microcosm, Assimilate, Mind Switch, True
Treasure: Claw of the Dead Lands (2 cursed wishes; first wish cast to learn how to use the Mirror of Ages to travel back into time before free year one) 1-inch Obsidian Orb of Energy Storing tied to the top of a Staff (0 HD; 200 HD limit), +2 Amulet of Natural Armor, Cloak of Shadows, Bracers of armor +2, ring of protection + 4, Veiling Amulet (perfect permanent image spell, need miracle or wish to see through), Dark Lens (kept in the Valley of the Earth Spirit back during the Green Age), Skull of Dorag Thel (kept in the Valley of the Earth Spirit back during the Green Age), Mirror of Ages (knows location of the Mirror in the Dead Lands), Tyr noble estate (1000cp per year; Abundant Terrain Type (Garden/Forest) 895-foot radius)
Thanks in advance to anyone who reply’s!