Salutations! New to the forum, not to Athas

Hello everyone, my love for Dark Sun has recently come roaring back to life (inspired by a variety of factors, but namely the “To Tame a Land” campaign) and it’s great to see such passion and action here! (My other favorite classic TSR setting is Birthright and those forums are sadly very quiet last I checked). Anyway, I’m passionate and have done a fair bit of homebrewing and strategic/adventure cartography over the decades and am looking to put my talent and mind to use developing a setting I love. I’ve been lurking a bit before making my profile and have visited in the past, and was greatly heartened by the creation of the Pristine Tower DG and am interested in joining. Any greetings and such are welcome, and info on applying to the team very much appreciated :smiley:


Hello and welcome. I’m glad to read that you have such passion for Daek Sun.

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I tried Birthright, back in the day; I’ve got one book, somewhere.

Dark Sun is a good setting; it has a lack of classic-dungeons and it’s all a political / wilderness campaign! Or it can be whatever you like.

Say, as anyone ran or create an actual, D&D Dungeon for Dark Sun? And not the dungeon your players get put in before they go to the arena.


Oh, cartography! Care to post any examples of your work?

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My 3.5e DS game originally started as an evil-party Ravenloft game, but the players wound up going through one of those strange black doors in an effort to escape worldly horror and ended up in an Athasian ruin. (I believe I got the door idea from some Dragon article or the Ravenloft sourcebook, I was still in Highschool at the time of the game though.) So it was made wholecloth but I don’t have the notes anymore and am not always great about taking them in the first place

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Sure! I mostly do stuff by hand so for digital art (which I want to do more of and am currently) so far I’ve kept it fairly simple but I have the stamina and focus for long projects. I’ve got CC3 but annoyance with UI/UX has always frustrated attempts with that so I have been using Paintnet with plugins for years and after seeing some of the maps here grabbed Inkscape to maybe do vector art too!
The largest Cartography project I’ve done is province mapping Aebrynis (Based on the Twilight Peaks campaign map geography if I recall correctly), and is still in progress as the current segment of my Titanomachy (mythic setting 3.5e circa 1600BCE, homebrewed with Dominions 6 magic) campaign has stretched on a bit longer than expected. My main ability and experience is in adventure/campaign/setting design and flavor text. This is the continent Aduria divided up into provinces, it was the easy one tbh and the only one I have an isolate image of handy as the full map is far too large to put here. Traced it all out then divided on geographic/social borders


Very cool!

Yeah, I’d say from my experiences working with artists, that vector art is the way to go if you can - its super convenient to make changes.


Welcome to the forums! It’s always a pleasure when a new voice joins us.

Small piece of advice, if you’re ever watching a gladiatorial match and a Mul aims a wooden spear at you. Duck!


Welcome to the Arena!


Weellllcome to the ARENA!


I heard about the Ravenloft-link. I never liked it because it kinda didn’t mesh with the setting. But then again, Dark Sun is post-apocalyptic.

And I like your map; even the ocean is divided up and owned by someone.


Thank you! Yeah the magic system of the setting draws on natural magic (called Mebaighl pronounced Meh-Veil I think) and coastal regions don’t generally have cities to reduce that magic so it can be a great power source for mage regents :mage:

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Welcome! I hope you enjoy our community, and we are glad to have you along.