At level 6, as a with a 10 Con score, and an Int score of 16, they should be in this situation:
(including bonus spells): 21.
That means that the Necromant can unload its entire spell capacity at this level.
Character level 7 is a bit more dangerous.
Wizard 5, Necromant 2
Maximum taint: 24
Total combined spell levels: 30.
If the Necromant was to use all of its spells using Gray energy, it would turn into an undead creature. To prevent this, the Necromant can choose defiling or preserving. Either way, the core theme of the Dark Sun campaign setting is preserved (pun intended).
For what it’s worth, I think one could use the taint rules from Heroes of Horror just fine. Here is a summary:
Core Concept: Evil is a corrupting force that can erode the body and soul of even the most virtuous characters. This is represented by “taint,” which manifests as physical corruption or mental depravity.
Acquiring Taint:
Characters can acquire taint through:
Evil Places: Entering areas suffused with evil.
Evil Objects: Contact with horribly evil objects.
Monster Attacks: Certain monsters’ attacks.
Evil Acts: Performing evil actions.
Using Gray Energy: You accumulate taint for casting your spells. Each time you cast an arcane spell, you must make a Will save (DC 10 + spell level) or increase your depravity score by 1. All arcane spells you cast are evil spells.
Taint Measurement:
- Taint is measured in points of corruption and depravity.
- Typical acquisition: 1-3 points per exposure.
- Prolonged exposure: Potentially +1 point per 24 hours.
- Specific amounts are detailed in other sections of the source material (Horror Environments, Dread Magic, monster descriptions).
Saving Throws:
- Characters usually get a saving throw to resist taint.
Corruption: Fortitude save.
Depravity: Will save.
Immediate Effects (High Acquisition):
- If a character gains more corruption points at once than their Constitution modifier, they must make another Fortitude save (DC 15 + corruption acquired).
Success: Sickened for 1d4 rounds.
Failure: Nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
- If a character gains more depravity points at once than their Wisdom modifier, they must make another Will save (DC 15 + depravity acquired).
Success: Dazed for 1d4 rounds.
Failure: Stunned for 1d4 rounds.
- Creatures with the Evil subtype and undead creatures are immune to negative effects of taint.
- They automatically have effective corruption and depravity scores:
- Half their Charisma score.
- +1 for undead.
- +2 for outsiders.
*They suffer to penalties, but can use them for feats.
- Both corruption and depravity manifest in mild, moderate, and severe symptoms.
*Severity is determined by comparing the character’s taint with their Constitution and Wisom scores.
Determining Symptom Severity (Table 4-1: Taint Thresholds):
- Find the character’s Constitution score in the leftmost column.
- Read across to find the column that includes their current physical corruption score.
- The top of that column indicates the severity of their physical taint symptoms (No Taint, Mild, Moderate, Severe, Dead/Insane).
- Repeat the process with the Wisdom score and depravity score for mental taint symptoms.
Taint Threshold Table Summary:
Con or Wis Score |
No Taint |
Mild Taint |
Moderate Taint |
Severe Taint |
Dead/Insane |
1-4 |
0 |
1 |
2-5 |
6-13 |
14+ |
5-8 |
0 |
1-3 |
4-11 |
12-27 |
28+ |
9-12 |
0 |
1-5 |
6-17 |
18-41 |
42+ |
13-16 |
0 |
1-7 |
8-23 |
24-55 |
56+ |
17-20 |
0 |
1-9 |
10-29 |
30-69 |
70+ |
21-24 |
0 |
1-11 |
12-35 |
36-83 |
84+ |
25-28 |
0 |
1-13 |
14-41 |
42-97 |
98+ |
29-32 |
0 |
1-15 |
16-47 |
48-111 |
112+ |
33-36 |
0 |
1-17 |
18-53 |
54-125 |
126+ |
Taint Levels and Symptoms:
No Taint: No symptoms.
Mild Taint:
- Requires restoration, heal, or greater restoration within 24 hours to reduce taint to 0, or becomes permanent.
- Manifests one minor physical or mental symptom.
- If both mild corruption and depravity, one of each symptom.
Miracle or wish needed to remove symptoms and taint.
Moderate Taint:
- Requires heal or greater restoration within 24 hours to reduce to mild taint, or becomes permanent.
- Manifests one moderate physical or mental symptom.
- If both moderate corruption and depravity, one of each symptom.
Miracle or wish needed to remove symptoms and reduce taint to mild.
- Keeps mild taint symptoms.
Severe Taint:
- Requires greater restoration within 24 hours to reduce to moderate taint, or becomes permanent.
- Manifests one severe physical or mental symptom.
- If both severe corruption and depravity, one of each symptom.
Miracle or wish needed to remove symptoms and reduce taint to moderate.
Specific Symptoms (Tables 4-2 and 4-3):
- To determine the exact symptom, roll 1d10 and consult the appropriate table (Corruption or Depravity).
- If taint increases to a higher level, the character gains the next symptom to the right on the table.
Table 4-2: Corruption Effects (Physical Symptoms)
d10 |
Mild |
Moderate |
Severe |
1 |
Dead eye |
Lips shrink |
Lich eyes |
2 |
Ear scabs |
Fingers/toes fuse |
Shriveled flesh |
3 |
Gums swell |
Bones thicken |
Great swollen growths |
4 |
Feet curl |
Joint pain |
Spine twists |
5 |
Lumps |
Eruption of sores |
Wrigglers |
6 |
Odor of decay |
Paralyzed face |
Nose rots |
7 |
Palsy |
Uncontrollable seizures |
Skull deformed |
8 |
Skin seeps |
Blood eruption |
Internal corruption |
9 |
Skin sloughs |
Skin thickens |
Skin lichen |
10 |
Winded |
Chronic illness |
Lungs eaten away |
Mild Corruption Effects Descriptions
Dead Eye: Vision clouded. Roll miss chance twice for attacks against opponents with concealment.
Ear Scabs: -2 penalty to Listen checks.
Feet Curl: Speed reduced by 10 feet.
Gums Swell: Difficulty with verbal spell components. DC 20 caster level check to cast spells with verbal components.
Lumps: Burning lumps, constant fever. DC 20 Fortitude save when running or charging or become fatigued.
Odor of Decay. -2 on Handle Animal, Ride, and Wild empathy.
Palsy: -2 on ranged attack rolls.
Skin Seeps: +2 circumstance on Escape Artist and resisting grapples; -2 on Climb and Slight of Hand. Opponents +2 to disarm.
Skin Sloughs: Face skin peels, -2 to Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Perform.
Winded: Staggered on the third and subsequent rounds of combat.
Moderate Corruption Effects Descriptions
Blood Eruption: DC 15 Fortitude save at the start of combat or be sickened for 4 rounds.
Bones Thicken: +2 Strength, -4 Dexterity.
Chronic Illness: -3 to Fortitude saves, phlegm, and bouts of vomiting.
Eruption of Sores: -1 to Strength- and Charisma-based ability and skill checks.
Fingers and Toes Fuse: -2 on attack rolls; DC 20 caster level check for spells with somatic components.
Joint Pain: -3 to Reflex saves.
Lips Shrink: -2 to Charisma-based ability and skill checks.
Paralyzed Face: Can no longer express emotion with face; +1 to Bluff, -1 to other Charisma-based checks and skills.
Skin Thickens: +1 natural armor, -2 to Dexterity-based ability and skill checks.
Uncontrollable Seizures: -4 to Initiative.
Severe Corruptions Effects Descriptions
Great Swollen Growths: -2 to Armor Class
Internal Corruption: No visible effect, but organs are rotten. Constitution score is reduced by 2.
Lich Eyes: Gain Darkvision 60ft or add 30 feet to existing Darkvision, and gain light blindness.
Lungs Eaten Away: Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are reduced by 1.
Nose Rots: Charisma reduced by 2.
Shriveled Flesh: Subtract HD from HP total, and subtract 1 HP from each level gained.
Skin Lichen: Black lichenous growths, -2 penalty on Strength-, Dexterity-, and Constitution-based ability checks and skill checks.
Skull Deformed: -2 to Intelligence and Wisdom, and -3 to Will Saves.
Spine Twists: Dexterity is reduced by 2.
Wrigglers: Parasitic worms protrude from your sores, sapping your strength. Reduce your Strength score by 2. You gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks and take a –4 penalty on other Charisma-based checks.
Table 4-3: Depravity Effects (Mental Symptoms)
d10 |
Mild |
Moderate |
Severe |
1 |
Aggressive |
Treacherous |
Murderous |
2 |
Bestial |
Deranged |
Unbalanced |
3 |
Compulsive |
Hysterical |
Unresponsive |
4 |
Crazed |
Jittery |
Craven |
5 |
Disoriented |
Hallucinating |
Paranoid |
6 |
Mildly phobic |
Moderately phobic |
Severely phobic |
7 |
Neglectful |
Distracted |
Enthralled |
8 |
Opinionated |
Solipsistic |
Hubristic |
9 |
Prophetic |
Delusional |
Apathetic |
10 |
Sycophantic |
Weak-Willed |
Fatalistic |
Descriptions for these are available in the original text.
Mild Depravity Effects Descriptions
Aggressive: Easily angered, -1 penalty to Armor Class in combat.
Bestial: +2 circumstance on Handle Animal, Ride, and Wild empathy, -1 to other Charisma based checks.
Compulsive: Pick a compulsive ritual. To break the pattern eat bugs. DC 10 Fortitude save each day, failure = 1d4 non-lethal damage.
Crazed: When surprised charge or run away.
Disoriented: When suprised dazed for one round.
Mildly Phobic: Requires will saves around objects of phobia.
Neglectful: -2 penalty on Charisma-based ability checks and skill checks.
Opinionated: Always flat-footed in the first round of combat.
Prophetic: Get Prophecies (10% accurate) and effects of continual nightmares.
Sycophantic: -2 penalty on Listen checks and Spot checks. Enemies gain a +2 bonus on Listen checks to hear you.
Moderate Depravity Effects Descriptions
Delusional: Convince the world is an illusion. -2 penalty on Wisdom-based ability checks and skill checks.
Deranged: -2 penalty on Intelligence-based ability checks and skill checks.
Distracted: -2 on skill checks.
Hallucinating: -6 penalty on Initiative
Hysterical: Everything is funny, spend second round of combat with only a move or standard action.
Jittery: Panicked when hit while flat-footed.
Moderately Phobic: Requires will saves around objects of phobia.
Solipsistic: DC 20 Will save when struck in combat. If you fail the save, you take an additional 1 point of damage per die of damage received.
Treacherous: Any attack of opportunity, DC 20 Will save. If you fail the save, you must make the attack of opportunity, even on an ally.
Weak-Willed: -3 on Will Saves.
Severe Depravity Effects Descriptions
Apathetic: Reduce both your Charisma and Wisdom scores by 2.
Craven: Always fight or cast defensively.
Enthralled: Always attack at -4 against evil, and damage is non-lethal.
Fatalistic: -3 on saving throws.
Hubristic: Divine healing has no effect.
Murderous: Must coup de grace.
Paranoid: Watch allies for treachery, -1 penalty to rolls.
Severely Phobic: Requires will saves around objects of phobia.
Unbalanced: Automatically confused first turn of every combat.
Unresponsive: Senses are dulled. Reduce Wisdom by 2.
Extreme Taint:
Corruption Exceeds Severe Threshold: Character dies, rises as a tainted minion (see Chapter 6) in 1d6 hours.
Depravity Exceeds Severe Threshold: Character goes irretrievably mad, becomes a tainted raver (see Chapter 6), and falls under DM control.
Taint and Bonus Feats:
- Moderate Taint: Gain a bonus feat.
- Severe Taint: Gain a bonus feat.
*Retain feats even with taint level changes.
Resisting Taint:
*Using items that absorb Taint.
*Table for resisting taint:
Number of Items |
Points Absorbed |
1 |
7 |
2 |
12 |
3 |
15 |
4 |
16 |
5 |
15 |
6 |
12 |
7 |
1 |
Taint and Alignment:
*Characters are increasingly inclined to evil acts.
*Register as evil to detect evil with moderate taint.
*Moderate taint generally neutral, severe taint generally evil.
Deities and Codes of Conduct:
*Clerics of good deities risk displeasure.
*Severe taint= loss of spells.
*Moderate Taint for Paladins= loss of powers.
Cleansing Taint:
It is possible to remove taint from characters in several ways, including through the use of spells, the performance of good deeds, and cleansing in a sacred spring. Taint cannot be removed unless the tainted character wants to be cleansed. If an increase in taint causes a character’s corruption or depravity score to cross over into a higher taint level (for example, shifting from mild to moderate), neither taint score can be reduced to a lower taint level unless quickly treated (within 24 hours) or through use of an atonement, miracle, or wish spell (see below).
The following spells can reduce taint scores when cast outside tainted areas. No character can have a taint score reduced by any particular spell more than once per day, although dif- ferent spells can reduce taint if cast on the same character in the same day.
Atonement: This spell can remove taint, but with limits. First, it always requires a quest. Second, the caster chooses a number up to his caster level when he casts the atonement, and the spell reduces the target’s corruption and depravity scores by that amount. This use of atonement, which costs the caster 500 XP, can reduce taint to a lower taint level.
Heal: This spell reduces a character’s corruption and depravity scores by 1 point per three caster levels. If used within 24 hours of the target’s acquiring enough taint to qualify as mild or moderate taint, heal can reduce taint below that threshold.
Miracle or Wish: These spells remove sufficient taint to place the target at the highest threshold of the next lower taint level, regardless of how much time has passed.
Remove Curse: This spell reduces the character’s depravity score by 1.
Remove Disease: This spell reduces the character’s corruption score by 1.
Restoration: This spell reduces the character’s corruption and depravity scores by 1 point per four caster levels. If used within 24 hours of the target’s acquiring enough taint to qualify as mild taint, it can reduce taint below that threshold.
Greater Restoration: This spell reduces the character’s cor- ruption and depravity scores by a number of points equal to the caster level of the cleric casting greater restoration.
Good Deeds:
*Good deeds can lower depravity under ritual.
Sacred Springs:
*Corruption is reduced 1 point a day while resting.