The Athasian Cartographer's Guild is now Reborn!

Greetings fellow wanderers!

After several years in the making, I’m pleased to finally announce the Athasian Cartographer’s Guild website is now reborn, thanks to the incredible efforts of @greyorm and the Pristine Tower dev team!

For those not familiar with the site, since 2000 this has been the most expansive source of collected canon and fanon geography for Athas and Dark Sun. And now the site and its maps have been comprehensively updated to better serve its purpose and help DMs and players explore the whole world.

-Entirely new structure which works across all sizes of computers and devices
-An upgraded planetary map with carefully constructed proportions and scales.
-New vector-based high detail maps for nearly all the map tiles covering the original revised map, plus the west coast of the neighbouring Anattan continent.
-A new scheme for encouraging aspiring mapmakers to join us.

Come visit the our humble guild again for the first time!


Before I even click on the reincarnated site, congratulations team on this surely extraordinary effort to make this happen. Very important for the continuation of the setting. I hope to use the new maps for my campaign very soon.


Most excellent :mage: :tada:
This is gonna reverberate for years to come, looking forward to the ride with y’all, rough or smooth!


Good work! I’ll have to see what I can do with those tool-sets.

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What is the map projection for the world map; I dont see it.
Im trying to see what it would look like on a globe

The continental maps are Mercator projections, and are missing the poles. There is a stretched globe at the top of the main map page (a Mollweide projection). Hope that helps.

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