's original charter: 3.x development

RELEASE. I’ll say it again. RELEASE.

I would be happy to do so, if Flip gives permission for me to.

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According to my understanding of the process, now that the files have been turned in, the corrections/changes need to be double checked by someone on the Council, and then the graphics added into the a copy of the master file, and finally that copy is converted into a PDF which is then posted as an update in the files section of the site… assuming that all the changes are accepted.

Please note, that the editing work I have done is more of a giant spell check and error check than anything else. No new rules or lore have been added, removed, or changed.

Having gone over the document with a fine comb, so to speak, I now have some ideas for future iterations, and other changes that might be beneficial and/or interesting… so once the submitted files are approved, we can see about some more submissions in the future.

PS: I also understand that Flip is crazy busy with life happening left and right.


If I understand this correctly, this is a text document with no art or formatting?

You are correct, good being!

(There is some formatting, but it’s just a doc file.)

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If you want someone on the council to make a PDF of it with all the art and editing in, I suspect (actually, I’m certain) that you’ll be waiting a long time. No weeks, but years if at all.

Well, I offered, but at the time was told that it was preferred to keep it under control at that level. So, I respected the call at that time and left it at that.

Being an artist, I have tons of tools. It would be fairly simple for me to extract the graphics and generate/recreate the pdf on my own. I have sent Flip another email and site-based PM.


I have started trying to get the revised Athasian Emporium finally released soon. Waiting on some final edits and then its just the final formatting and conversion to PDF.


I have received official word that a step forward has been taken on my r8 spellcheck edit of the DS core book submission. Note, a single step… but that’s progress so don’t knock it! I’m quite happy that something is happening. =D





Someone pinch me.


Which god? squints supiciously at @Grummore I’m pretty sure Athas has a relative scarcity in that department… lol. ^^


I disagree Nijineko, Athas has an absolute scarcity in that department! :joy: :joy: :joy:

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@nijineko, I needed my sarcastic tone to be unnoticed by using the word “god” nobody knows about. We are on athas… Right? :sunglasses:


As I recall, a certain someone was attempting to become one by exploring the outer planes or some such?

Just checking. One never knows when they will next find some dragon sorcerer zealot, or genius loci driven druid, or mirage hallucination induced megalomaniac… or something.

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It is time for a thread bump!

Yes. Only a thread bump.


We are within a month of this message’s first year’s birthday. Is it something with terrible rule changes? Is there anything that would shake the foundation of what’s been created since 2000 and the beginning of the D&D 3ed?

@nijineko stated in this message that he would wait to see this go live before committing to more content.

This is one of the many that would like to revive (well I hope) what’s been long forgotten and unused.

Why. not. release. it. ?


Because I do not have control over this site, and I will not release it anywhere other than this site, as per the Charter. Until the Charter is officially demised, I will follow the Charter.

There are no changes to the rules (despite my desire to and offers to do so which were turned down) only typo and grammar edits in r8. I really don’t know why it’s taking so long, but I assume that life is happening to @flip , or something.

Having said that, I’m starting to seriously consider filing off all of the serial numbers and just releasing my own customizations as either another system or as a d20 compatible system, depending…


Thanks for the answer. I won’t bug you with that until official news :slight_smile:


No worries, I want to see it published as much as everyone else. Lol.

I did not feel bugged at all. :grin:


I would be very interested in pursuing the concept of a house system and some of the ‘mysteries of Athas’ ideas if you’d like me to set up a discord to throw around ideas. I actually started creating a setting that was an outgrowth of ideas from homebrewing Dark Sun stuff I made up for a PbP I’ve been wanting to work on a custom d20 system for.