Building Towards an Anattan Campaign Setting

Dear Fellow Travelers Under the Dark Sun,

Gentlemen, I have been much pleased to review the work of the Athasian Cartographers Guild. I say again, a superb effort, and much valued. Let it not be said that what I write below is any matter of criticism–indeed it is the opposite, as their excellent work now evokes my own efforts and interests, which I now feel compelled to bring to the table.

For some months now I have been devoting considerable effort to building a new sub-setting for Dark Sun, based on the far side of the Silt Sea, which we have collectively named Anattan. To my knowledge, no one beside Sysane and his players (and at that, some time ago) have actively campaigned in this remote region, which first captivated our imaginations when tiny pieces of it were revealed in the map that came with the famous Valley of Dust and Fire. We know precious little, if anything about this continent, and what we do know comes from the imagination of but a handful of us, most notably to my knowledge Sysane, Dark Interloper, of course the mighty Brian Sanchez, and whoever was behind DarkSunRising. To this list I will now boldly list myself for your consideration.

I have endeavored to incorporate the maps and scant lore regarding the Anattan region into a coherent whole, and though I may have imagined much differently myself, I have done my best to pay respects to those voices who have helped breathe life into this side of Athas thus far, and have therefore preserved as many of the originally chosen names, land features, etc. as reasonably possible for my own setting. I have however fleshed out a great deal, and added considerable depth, color, and specifics to the region. Though it is my own campaign, I have tried to design it so it would do the least to offend original creators like Sysane and Dark Interloper, and hopefully please them should they ever peak in one of my game sessions.

However, amidst my designs for the Anattan setting, the Athasian Cartographers Guild has issued two new maps of Anatta, and behold, I noticed some considerable changes. I suspect these changes, adding this city here or moving that location there, were executed with the greatest consideration, but they have thrown off to not an insubstantial degree my own design for the region, which like I said has heretofore taken great care to consult all previous work. This is fine, but I would love to know and understand the thinking.

Compare and contrast previous maps, which I have gathered here, to the new E5. I would love to discuss these changes, and thereby learn more about our collective vision for this region.

To this end, as I much wish to add positively to work on Anatta, I therefore propose we create a forum, perhaps this very thread, to discuss the development of this region. I saw in the Cartographer’s Guild that an Anattan Gazetteer has been proposed and projected. I would offer my own efforts to have a hand in this, and would proffer my own considerable work on the subject.

I have prepared extensive “Player Cards” regarding the city of Khormen (the name of which has been replaced with Gilland in the new map) and the famous Last River, the Salar, around which my upcoming games will revolve. I suppose that collectively these Player Cards form a gazetteer of sorts. I am willing to share these, via email, with interested members of the Arena, and in doing so enter the discussion as to what is to be developed into the Anattan continent. I certainly have my vision forming for this part of Athas. Ultimately I may go off in my own way in Anatta, apart from the vision offered by the Cartographers Guild, but ideally I would like to add to our collective consensus, and build a largely shared Anatta. For your consideration, I offer the first two pages from my Player Cards. If you are interested, message me, and I will send you the rest if you wish.

Either way, hopefully this thread can help the Arena build greater interest in this fascinating and mysterious “hidden continent” on Athas. There are a great many secrets, histories and adventures to be had in Anatta, and it would be good to explore them further in a an open manner, so that by a general consensus we build a largely shared vision for this mysterious side of the Dark Sun world.


Well as a starter for 10, I’d suggest changing the thread title to something less confrontational.


Hey Phaaf_glien:

First of all, thank you for your praise of the Athasian Cartographer’s Guild. That site’s maps were the thing that brought me back to D&D after many years away, and it has been an honour and pleasure to work with the owner of the site and several of the old guard who were involved on the original project.

First of all, I would like to say the content you have made that you’ve shared here is lovely. Is that your own formatting as well as written work? How were the images made?

As for the Anattan map as you’re seeing it, the contents of this map are based upon as many sources of information from the community on Anattan development as we could find. The Sundered Regions which you linked to was one of those sources, as was the Spiral Lands. And Sysane was part of the team that worked on this geography.

We worked on this map in the same way we work whenever the PTDG team is faced with material that contradicts each other or occupies the same space-- we find ways to harmonise them. You are correct in your assessment that the locations on this map have been very carefully considered and debated by all parties involved (and it has taken MONTHS of debate about geography already to get that map right).

As of this point, I can confidently say that nobody on the team has any more will to rework this map yet again. However, looking at your work now I can certainly see a potentially great opportunity in your offer, and I like the idea of working with you to harmonise your content with ours.

Let’s talk in PM about this matter to discuss details.


Honored Senator, I appreciate the response.

It would have been fascinating to hear your discussions regarding the very handsome maps. I have of late bothered Sysane with lore details regarding the Sundered Lands, for I have striven to take the approach of putting the lore and story first, and focus much less on the maps. Perhaps this is a strategic error on my part, but I have felt that the lore ought to shape the maps (especially city and location names), and not the other way around.

To this end I have been developing a loose history from the dawn of time to the Free Age, and have sought to do so from Anatta’s perspective.

I fear our collective trouble will be we are many heads, and without a single author, our new lands of Dark Sun will have increasing incoherence, and we be shall increasingly misaligned to better enjoy each others imagination and work on these new regions. We are not to have a Tolkien, and Mr. Denning it seems is forbidden it seems to return to Athas by the legalisms of our world. To answer this problem, I wish to prefer the efforts of teams such as the PTDG and the Cartographer’s Guild as much as possible, and to otherwise give weight to the elder works of years ago, even if certain aspects do not quite suit my individual tone and taste.

For example, in the Sundered Region I have been “fortifying”, I was initially quite hesitant regarding Sysane’s legendary Dark Cupola. I even asked him him if he would reshape it now, some 20 years later. But he seemed quite dedicated to the concept, and to the idea regarding its potential inhabitants. Therefore, I decided to embrace the concept, but I strove to burnish it with my style. I made the location one of great mystery and occult majesty, and married it with deeper lore and consequence, though its secrets are buried for now deep in the DM’s treasury. I feel I have thus benefitted from Sysane’s original concept, which left to my own devices I would not have imagined. In the end, it made the setting much better, I believe. I shall strive for the same approach with your new map. I admit some of the location changes will be challenging, but I will do what I can to merge the visions. I am hopeful we can collectively strive to have a similar approach with each others efforts.

As to my Player Cards, I am attempting to insist on a certain quality, as I would prefer to develop " boxed set" worthy material that is a pleasure to peruse and play. But alas I am no artist, and the paper maps I pride myself on are alas no watch for the polished wizardry of the Cartographers Guild. Therefore, the images I have used were culled from the useful image search engine of ‘Bing’ (plus a little Brom, of course!), and I do not own them. I have many more such player cards, and more besides for the DM’s eyes only, which dives much further into the lore, both in depth and breadth. My players tend to demand a certain verisimilitude, level of detail, and “living, breathing world” approach, and so I seek to provide it, yet all in line with established lore, with center of weight given to the original boxed set which started it all.

By all means, let our discussions begin, honored Senator, if it is your will. Hidden from the oft overcurious eyes of my players, much more of my Anattan lore could surely be shared, if you are interested in the humble works of a mere plebeian.

Anyhow, great stuff Neujack. It is awesome to see you guys are leaning into developing the rest of the world, well beyond the Western Tablelands…


-Phaaf Glien

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I shall strive to seed your imaginations for this fascinating region from time to time here, in the hopes of bestowing some further life into the parched sands of Anatta. Therefore, behold!


Nice use of AI art!

That’s how it’s suppose to be used!

I like your font; Papyrus?

Did the OG map of the Tyr-Region have a river around Yaramuk?