Originally posted by bengeldorn:
NOTE: The following is a previous version. I keep it here so that the following discussion makes more sence when reading it.
The actuall version can be found here and a java-based calculator (made by Gab) can be found here.
Partial Armor
Zones: It is assumed that a zone is full covered with one armor part. The zones are:
Head : The head is mainly the head and neck area. (Optional Rule: A helm provides 4 times its actual AC (rounded down) against rolls that confirm critical hits of opponents.)
Right/Left Arm : Left Arm or Right Arm includes forearm, upper arm and shoulder.
Right/Left Leg : Left Leg or Right Leg includes lower leg, knee and thigh.
Upper Torso : Upper Torso includes breast and back.
Lower Torso Lower Torso includes belly and hip.
Material: It is assumed that an armor part is made of one kind of material. The materials are:
Padded: Padded armor parts can be used in every zone except head.
Leather: Leather armor parts can be used in every zone.
Studded Leather: Studded leather armor parts can be used in every zone.
Wood: Wooden armor parts can be used in every zone except head.
Bark: Armor parts made out of bark can be used in every zone except head.
Shell: Armor parts made out of shell can be used in every zone.
Chitin: Chitin armor parts can be used in every zone.
Bone: Armor parts made out of bone can be used in every zone.
Cord: Cord armor parts can be used in every zone except head.
Hide: Hide armor parts can be used in every zone.
Chain: Chain armor parts can be used in every zone. Chain armor parts are made of metal.
Banded: Banded aromr parts can be used in every zone except head. Banded armor parts are made of metal.
Scale: Scale armor parts can be used in every zone except head. Scale armor parts are made of metal.
Splint: Splint armor parts can be used in every zone except head. Splint armor parts are made of metal.
Plate: Plate armor parts can be used in every zone. Plate armor parts are made of metal.
Magic and Psionic Armor Parts: Bonuses on armor parts provided by magic and/psionic are allways integers and are added at last. Only the highest bonus of all zones counts. Armor parts that cover more than one zone and provide any additional bonus other than their armor bonus only provide these bonus(es), if all parts are worn by the same character.
Armor Type: Light, Medium, Heavy
Wether or not the full armor is light, medium or heavy depends on the Total Max,Dex-Bonus, the Total Check-Penalty and the Total Weight of the full armor.
Full Armor: The full armor is the armor with all armor parts of all zones.
Total AC-Bonus: The Total AC-Bonus of the full armor is the sum of the AC-Bonuses of every zone rounded down.
Total Max, Dex-Bonus: The Total Max, Dex-Bonus of the full armor is 10 - the sum of the Max, Dex-Bonuses of every Zone rounded down.
Total Check-Penalty: The Total Check-Penalty of the full armor is sum of the Check-Penalties of every zone rounded up.
Total Spell Failure: The Total Spell Failure of the full armor is the sum of the Spell Failures of every zone rounded up to the next 5 step.
Total Weight: The Total Weight is the sum of all weights of every armor part.
Heavy: A full armor is heavy if the Total Armor Check-Penalty is smaller or equal to -6
Medium: A full armor is medium if:
a) the full armor isn’t heavy
b) the Total Max, Dex-Bonus is smaller or equal to 3
c) the Total Check-Penalty is smaller or equal to -4
d) the Total Max, Dex-Bonus is smaller or equal to 4 and the Total Check-Penalty is smaller or equall to -3 and the Total Weight is larger or equal to 25 lb.
Light: A full armor is light if it isn’t a heavy or medium armor.
HeadAC-BonusMax, Dex-BonusCheck PenaltySpell FailureWeightPrice<br />----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Leather0,25———0,25 lb.0,5 cp<br />Studded Leather0,25———0,25 lb.1 cp<br />Bone0,25———0,25 lb.1 cp<br />Hide0,25———0,5 lb.1,5 cp<br />Shell0,5———0,25 lb.2 cp<br />Chitin0,5———0,25 lb.5 cp<br />Chain0,5———0,5 lb.1 gp<br />Plate0,75———1 lb.5 gp<br /><br />Arm (Left/Right)AC-BonusMax, Dex-BonusCheck PenaltySpell FailureWeightPrice<br />----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Padded0,250,25 01 %1,25 lb. 0,75 cp<br />Bark0,250,75-0,53 %2 lb. 0,75 cp<br />Leather0,250,5-0,252 %2 lb. 1,75 cp<br />Hide0,50,75-0,754,5 %3,5 lb. 2 cp<br />Wood0,250,75-0,53 %2 lb. 2,5 cp<br />Cord0,50,75-0,251,5 %2 lb. 2,5 cp<br />Bone0,50,75-0,53,5 %2,75 lb. 3,5 cp<br />Studded Leather0,50,75-0,253,5 %2,5 lb. 4 cp<br />Shell0,51-0,54 %2,75 lb. 5,5 cp<br />Chitin11,5-17 %2,5 lb. 15 cp<br />Scale0,751-0,755,5 %4,25 lb. 75 sp<br />Chain0,751-16 %5,75 lb.225 sp<br />Splint11,5-1,258 %6,75 lb. 30 gp<br />Banded11,25-17,5 %5 lb. 40 gp<br />Plate1,251,5-1,258,5 %7,25 lb. 75 gp<br /><br />Leg (Left/Right)AC-BonusMax, Dex-BonusCheck PenaltySpell FailureWeightPrice<br />----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Padded0,250,25 00 %1,5 lb. 0,5 cp<br />Bark0,250,5-0,250,5 %2,5 lb. 0,5 cp<br />Leather0,250,5 01 %2,5 lb. 1 cp<br />Hide0,50,75-0,52 %3,75 lb. 1,5 cp<br />Wood0,250,75-0,51,5 %2,5 lb. 1,5 cp<br />Cord0,250,5-0,250,5 %2,5 lb. 1,5 cp<br />Bone0,50,75-0,51,5 %3 lb. 1,5 cp<br />Studded Leather0,50,5-0,251,5 %3,25 lb. 3 cp<br />Shell0,50,75-0,252 %3 lb. 4 cp<br />Chitin0,751,25-13,5 %3,25 lb. 1 sp<br />Scale0,50,75-0,752,5 %4,5 lb. 5 gp<br />Chain0,751-0,753 %6,25 lb.20 gp<br />Splint11,25-1,254 %7,25 lb.20 gp<br />Banded11,25-13,5 %5,75 lb.30 gp<br />Plate11,5-1,254,5 %8 lb.50 gp<br /><br />Upper TorsoAC-BonusMax, Dex-BonusCheck PenaltySpell FailureWeightPrice<br />----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Padded0,50,5-0,250,5 %2,5 lb. 1,5 cp<br />Bark0,51-0,52 %3,25 lb. 1,5 cp<br />Leather0,50,75-0,252 %3 lb. 2,5 cp<br />Hide0,751,25-0,753 %5,25 lb. 3,5 cp<br />Wood0,51,25-0,52 %3 lb. 4 cp<br />Cord0,751,25-0,250,5 %3,25 lb. 4 cp<br />Bone0,751,25-0,752,5 %4,25 lb. 5 cp<br />Studded Leather0,751,25-0,52,5 %4,5 lb. 5,5 cp<br />Shell0,751,5-0,753 %4,25 lb. 7,5 cp<br />Chitin12-15 %4,5 lb. 25 cp<br />Scale11,5-0,753,5 %6,5 lb. 15 gp<br />Chain11,75-14 %8,5 lb. 40 gp<br />Splint1,252-1,256 %9 lb. 55 gp<br />Banded12-1,255,5 %7,5 lb. 60 gp<br />Plate1,252-1,56,5 %9,75 lb.185 gp<br /><br />Lower TorsoAC-BonusMax, Dex-BonusCheck PenaltySpell FailureWeightPrice<br />----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Padded0,250,5 00,5 %2 lb. 1 cp<br />Bark0,51-0,52 %2,75 lb. 1 cp<br />Leather0,50,75 02 %2,75 lb. 1,5 cp<br />Hide0,751,25-0,53 %4,75 lb. 3 cp<br />Wood0,51-0,52 %3 lb. 3 cp<br />Cord0,51-0,250,5 %2,75 lb. 3,5 cp<br />Bone0,51,25-0,52,5 %4 lb. 4 cp<br />Studded Leather0,51-0,252 %3,75 lb. 4,5 cp<br />Shell0,51,25-0,53 %4 lb. 6,5 cp<br />Chitin0,751,75-15 %3,75 lb. 2 sp<br />Scale0,751,5-0,753,5 %6 lb. 10 gp<br />Chain0,751,5-14 %7,5 lb. 24 gp<br />Splint12-1,256 %8 lb. 45 gp<br />Banded11,75-1,255,5 %6 lb. 50 gp<br />Plate1,252-1,256,5 %8,75 lb.160 gp
Yasrirah has following armor:
head: leather
left arm: none
right arm: bone
upper torso: chitin
lower torso: cord
left leg: plate
right leg: none
Her full armor has follwing stats:
Total AC-Bonus: 3 (0,25 + 1 + 0,5 + 0,5 +1 =3,25 >>rounded down>>3)
Total Max. Dex Bonus: 4 (10 - (2 + 0,75 + 1 + 1,5) = 10 - 5,25 = 4,75 >>rounded down>>4)
Total Check-Penalty: -3 (-1 - 0,5 - 0,25 - 1,25 = -3)
Total Spell-Failure: 20% (4,5% + 3,5% + 5% + 0,5% = 13,5% >>rounded up to the next 5-step>> 15%)
Total Weight: 18,25 lb. (0,25 lb. + 4,5 lb. + 2,75 lb. + 2,75 lb. + 8 lb. = 18,25 lb.)
Her full armor is a light armor. Yasrira is a rouge and she is proficient with light armors, so she doesn’t suffer any penalties for not being proficient with this armor.
Yasrira found a new armor part she could add to her full armor, it’s a wooden armbracer. She could wear it at her left arm and her the full armor would change as followed:
Total AC-Bonus: 3 (3,25 + 0,25 = 3,5 >>rounded down>>3)
Total Max. Dex Bonus: 4 (10 - (5,25 + 0,75)= 4)
Total Check-Penalty: -3 (-3 - 0,5 = -3,5 >> rounded up>>-3)
Total Spell-Failure: 20% (13,5% + 3% = 16,5% >>rounded up to the next 5-step>> 20%)
Total Weight: 20,25 lb. (18,25 lb. + 2 lb = 20,25 lb.)
This armor still would be a light armor.
Now Yasrira founds a shell bracer and replaces it with the wooden bracer:
Total AC-Bonus: 3 (3,25 + 0,5 = 3,75 >>rounded down>>3)
Total Max. Dex Bonus: 4 (10 - (5,25 + 1)= 10 - 6,25 = 3,75 >>rounded down>>3)
Total Check-Penalty: -3 (-3 - 0,5 = -3,5 >> rounded up>>-3)
Total Spell-Failure: 20% (13,5% + 4% = 17,5% >>rounded up to the next 5-step>> 20%)
Total Weight: 21 lb. (18,25 lb. + 2,75 lb = 21 lb.)
Her new full armor would be a medium armor, but unfortunatelly Yasira isn’t proficient with that kind of armor and she suffers the penalties for not being proficient with an armor.
Example involving magic and psionic armor.
Full Armor:
head: chitin+1
right arm: chain+2
left arm: chain+1
upper torso: bone
lower torso: studded leather
left leg: banded +2
right leg: splint +3
Full Armor:
Total AC-Bonus: 8 = 5 + 3 (from the splint armor part of the right leg, as it has the highest bonus)
Total Max. Dex Bonus: 3
Total Check-Penalty: -5
Total Spell-Failure: 25%
Total Weight: 32,75 lb.
This armor would be medium armor.
Originally posted by kalthandrix:
Wow this is really great work Bengeldorn!
I love it, but I can already see people complaining that it is too much math- but who cares!
These are fresh from the oven
Originally posted by nytcrawlr:
Are the “,”'s suppose to be “.”'s? Cause that’s what it looks like they are suppose to be.
Kinda hard to read because of the way you are doing it with the “,”'s.
And I’ll agree that this is a bit too much math for my tastes, but I like what you are trying to do.
Now if I can just easily convert all the figures to DR since armor in my campaign gives DR and not AC, if very little AC.
Originally posted by nytcrawlr:
[quote]Are the “,”'s suppose to be “.”'s? Cause that’s what it looks like they are suppose to be.
Kinda hard to read because of the way you are doing it with the “,”'s.[/quote]
Ah, ok. It’s a Europe thing, my bad.
First time I’ve seen it done that way.
Originally posted by nytcrawlr:
Do you have a call shot/attack body part system to go along with this?
Originally posted by ruhl-than_sage:
I think their should be a new categroy of armor to cover this, (piecemail armor). I would only give automatic proficiency to gladiators and stipulate that piecemail armor counts as any collections of worn armor pieces that come from more then two types of armor. So other classes could combine armor in a limited fashion, but would have the mastery of gladiators in using unusual armor combinations.
Also there are a few other concerns I have about the system.
1st: the rules for enhancement bonuses. As written now a group of adventurers could find a suit of +4 leather armor and each take a piece of it for their partial armor configuration. Then they would all have an enhancement bonus of +4 on their armor.
I think you should either make the bonus fractional like the other qualities of the armor or actually require the entire suit to be enchanted to gain an enhancement bonus, to avoid this kind of abuse.
2nd: Your system for determining armor type could use a little work. I order to use various specail abilities in the game you need to be wearing a certain level of armor or lower. But, the special abilities would be specifically impaired more by certain pieces depending on their nature. For instance a ranger must be wearing light or medium armor to fight with two-weapons (believe). having heavy armor on both of his arms arms would if thats all he was wearing might only count as light or medium armor, but It would directly interfer with the ability in question. The same thing goes for proficiency in general. I don’t think a rouge should be proficient in wearing a couple of pieces of plate mail on his legs even though the penalties/weight etc. add up to suggest light armor, a type with which he is proficient.
I’m not sure how to fix these problems exactly, but they are issues that could use a little work.
Originally posted by bengeldorn:
Actually, no. The idea behind this, was to have a partial armor system that allows more variation and style. Also I don’t think that characters on athas should wear full suit armors, most images I’ve seen gave me the impression, that partial armor is used and the 2nd edit. also provided a piecemeal armor system. I know there is allready one (somewhere) out there, that is easier to use, but I did’t feel quite happy with that one, because you got more penalties than benefits when you choose different types of armor. Of course these are a lot of numbers and it seems that you have to do much maths, but I IMO it isn’t that much and I intentionally choosed quarter-steps, so that it shouldn’t be too hard to add the numbers. I have to admit though, that the formulars seem very complicated, but after looking over several armors, these have been the “rules” I saw.
I still have a problem with masterwork armor parts, and I’m still not quite sure how to fix that one. If anybody has an idea, I’m happy if he’d share it with me.
Oh and yes, I’m european.
Originally posted by ruhl-than_sage:
The reason you ended up with more penalties for having different armor types combined is that they aren’t designed to work together. It would be especially unbalancing to have a heavy piece of armor on one leg or arm, but no on the other. I would think that would actually give you a greater penalty to certain things then having it on both limbs. Of course gladiators have extensive training with piecemail armor and can get around these considerations.
Originally posted by gab:
Well, this would be very easy to do on a web page… then the math is automatic… I sure I can put this up in a webpage fairly easily.
Originally posted by bengeldorn:
I’m not quite sure now, how much the penalty was/is, but I remember that the penalties have been IMO too high. I wanted to make piecemeal armor more attractive as most players (I could even say everyone I know, even if they wouldn’t admit it) want to take the best for their character. I know this system isn’t very attractive either (maybe even less attractive according all those numbers), but they idea was, that people should think more about their charakter and how he/she looks like than fearing that they would suffer big penalties when they design their character as they imagined. I’m not quite happy with this as it is either (actually, this is a simpler form of what I’m going to use in my campaign), but the main idea is that people should think of the appearance first and not on the stats of their armor (or the penalties if they take piecemeal armor).
This is a good idea and I’d like to help you as far as I can.
p.s.: Still looking for a good solution for masterwork armor parts.
Originally posted by Pennarin:
[quote]Ah, ok. It’s a Europe thing, my bad.
First time I’ve seen it done that way.[/quote]
LOL! Well yes Nyt, its what the rest of the world does. You know, “rest” as in anything outside of the english-speaking world.
Originally posted by nytcrawlr:
Touche, though I still prefer using decimals, using commas could get confusing on longer numbers heh.
1,234.56 for example. Would it be 1.234,56 or 1,234,56 for Europeans?
Other than that I love the metric system, heh.
Originally posted by zombiegleemax:
[quote]1st: the rules for enhancement bonuses. As written now a group of adventurers could find a suit of +4 leather armor and each take a piece of it for their partial armor configuration. Then they would all have an enhancement bonus of +4 on their armor.
I think you should either make the bonus fractional like the other qualities of the armor or actually require the entire suit to be enchanted to gain an enhancement bonus, to avoid this kind of abuse.[/quote]
I was thinking about it too, but it would be even more complex… well the rule should be that if if make a parcial armor (paing the full cost) you can use the greater bonus, you would have for exemple a +4 plate helm for 16,000 cp plus the cost of the helm that would give +0,75+4 armor AC bonus. If you take a +4 leather and separate de pieces they would have no enhancemente bonus (it should be like destroing the armor.)
Originally posted by bengeldorn:
You are right. I edited a lot of times, especially the magic and psionic part and somehow I must have deleted a sentece.
Armor parts that cover more than one zone and provide any additional bonus other than their armor bonus only provide these bonus(es), if all parts are worn by the same character.
Thank you for that…
Originally posted by zombiegleemax:
i also created a sytem earily similar to this one for using partial armour. however i like your ideas on max dex and size catagories i was having trouble with that.
Originally posted by bengeldorn:
What do you mean with size categories?
Originally posted by zombiegleemax:
woops sorry, i meant armour types, such as light med and heavy. i didnt know how id figure when light armour became med etc.
Originally posted by jon_oracle_of_athas:
Countries where a dot is used to mark the radix point include:
Australia, Botswana, Canada (English-speaking), China, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong of the People’s Republic of China, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Korea (both North and South), Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Panama, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States (including insular area of Puerto Rico),
Countries where a comma is used to mark the radix point include:
Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada (French-speaking), Croatia, Cuba, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Faroes, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Indonesia, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, Zimbabwe
Originally posted by kalthandrix:
[quote]Countries where a dot is used to mark the radix point include:
Australia, Botswana, Canada (English-speaking), China, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong of the People’s Republic of China, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Korea (both North and South), Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Panama, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States (including insular area of Puerto Rico),
Countries where a comma is used to mark the radix point include:
Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada (French-speaking), Croatia, Cuba, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Faroes, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Indonesia, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, Zimbabwe[/quote]
Well of course silly, everyone knows that
Originally posted by gab:
I’ve done a preliminary Javascript program for these rules.
Please check for errors (I think there’s an error in your example Bengeldorn); I might have done a couple of mistakes in the data.
Originally posted by bengeldorn:
[quote]I’ve done a preliminary Javascript program for these rules.
Please check for errors (I think there’s an error in your example Bengeldorn); I might have done a couple of mistakes in the data.[/quote]
You are right about my example, I’ll change it so it should be correct now.
Here are some things, I noticed:
- Leather is listed twice, the second Leather should be Chitin (the stats are right for chitin, only the name is wrong)
Total Check Penalty
- -0,75, -0,5 and -0,25 is rounded up to 0 not down to -1 (maybe it’s called rounded down, but -1 < 0 that’s why IMO it should be called “rounded up”). If you allready used a “round-up”-command/function try a “round-down”-command/function, maybe it solves the problem.
A full leather armor should have follwing final (and actual) stats:
Total AC-Bonus: +2 (+2,25)
Total Max.Dex-Bonus: +6 (+6,5)
Total Check Penalty: 0 (-0,75)
Total Spell-Failure: 10% (10%)
Total Weight: 15 lbs. (15 lbs.)
Total Cost: 10 cp (10 cp)
Type: Light
Maybe I’ll find more, but there are a lot of combinations possible.
Originally posted by gab:
Those errors have been fixed.
I’ll work on the formatting tomorrow. The results boxes aren’t aligned, etc…
Originally posted by zombiegleemax:
I like this system a lot, but one thing bugs me a bit. A full set of plate armor constructed piecemeal via this system only gives a +7 AC bonus, when it should give a +8 AC bonus. Other than that and the enhancement bonus problem, it allows for some very interesting combinations.
As for the enhancement bonus problem. How about enhancement bonuses increasing the AC value of an armor part by its already existing value?
Examples: A plate helm +3 would grant an AC bonus of +3, which is four times the value of a regular plate helm (0.75).
A set of studded leather arms +2 would grant an AC bonus of +3, which is three times the value of regular studded leather arms (1.0 for the pair).
Perhaps a better option would be having enhancement bonuses increase AC based upon a set value for the position of the armor.
For example:
Magic helmets could provide +.5 AC per point of enhancement bonus.
Magic arm armor could provide +.75 AC per point of enhancement bonus.
Magic leg armor could provide +.5 AC per point of enhancement bonus.
Magic torso armor (upper and lower) could provide +.75 AC per point of enhancement bonus.
The problem with the first system is that it provides benefits which scale with the ‘weight’ of the armor, so light armor users get less from enchanting their armor. The problem with the second is that it ends up with bonuses that are too high: a set of armor +1 would provide a bonus of 2.5 to AC.
Originally posted by bengeldorn:
[quote]I like this system a lot, but one thing bugs me a bit. A full set of plate armor constructed piecemeal via this system only gives a +7 AC bonus, when it should give a +8 AC bonus. Other than that and the enhancement bonus problem, it allows for some very interesting combinations.
As for the enhancement bonus problem. How about enhancement bonuses increasing the AC value of an armor part by its already existing value?
Examples: A plate helm +3 would grant an AC bonus of +3, which is four times the value of a regular plate helm (0.75).
A set of studded leather arms +2 would grant an AC bonus of +3, which is three times the value of regular studded leather arms (1.0 for the pair).
Perhaps a better option would be having enhancement bonuses increase AC based upon a set value for the position of the armor.
For example:
Magic helmets could provide +.5 AC per point of enhancement bonus.
Magic arm armor could provide +.75 AC per point of enhancement bonus.
Magic leg armor could provide +.5 AC per point of enhancement bonus.
Magic torso armor (upper and lower) could provide +.75 AC per point of enhancement bonus.
The problem with the first system is that it provides benefits which scale with the ‘weight’ of the armor, so light armor users get less from enchanting their armor. The problem with the second is that it ends up with bonuses that are too high: a set of armor +1 would provide a bonus of 2.5 to AC.[/quote]
Well you are right about that the relation seems to be broken. But the problem I had was, that enhancement bonuses don’t stack and I don’t like dividing enhancement bonuses. One way you could see it is, that the enchanted armor part spreads it’s whole enhancement over your whole body, so that all zones get the same (or the highest) benefit.
But your idea made me think of another one:
Magic helmets provides +.5 AC per point of enhancement bonus.
Magic arm armor provides +.75 AC per point of enhancement bonus.
Magic leg armor provides +.5 AC per point of enhancement bonus.
Magic torso armor (upper and lower) provides +.75 AC per point of enhancement bonus.
The total enhancement bonus doesn’t exceed the enhancement bonus of the armor part with the highes enhancement bonus. That way, if you have all armor parts with an enhancement bonus of +1, you only get a +1 enhancement bonus instead of the +4.5 enhancement bonus (0.5 (head) + 2
Originally posted by zombiegleemax:
Better, but still not perfect. Under this system, having a +5 helmet, +1 legs, and +1 torso grants a +5 total bonus.