Just another problem that fall upon our community to solve…
You’re going to have to narrow it down more than that mate!
The most obscure Dark Sun adventure full of continuity nightmares?
Though I guess that title might actually go to the Dark Sun adventure that references the Harpers…
…Okay, technically, the above is correct, but misleading. There was an adventure published in Dungeon Magazine (Or Polyhedron, can’t remember) that was either a Forgotten Realms adventure shoehorned into Dark Sun, or a Dark Sun adventure they tried to make world agnostic for some reason. It literally references both the Harpers and the Veiled Alliance, though the intent is you basically pick one, I think. It’s utterly bizarre.
I just ran #56 as one of Rajaat’s experiments.
Dregoth had been immortal for awhile when he created the Dragon Metamorphosis. As he started down that path he started a war with the local giant clans, they were relatively isolated and made excellent fuel for the metamorphosis. This is what brought him to the attention of Rajaat. In exchange for an army that would allow him to finish his transformation and kill the giants he had grown up hating, (and being allowed to live after the coming war) Dregoth joined Rajaat. Rajaat studied Dregoth during one of his transformation rituals and extrapolated from there.
Troll Grave Chasm was just one of those experiments. The creatures and plant life in the area along with the magic infused in the spell pillars could jump a being to a fully formed dragon but would wipe out the entire area. Research notes used to eventually create the library is what was used by Kadlid-Ma as a basis for jumping multiple metamorphoses.
I’ve always had a fond spot for that one.
I liked the adventure when it came out - pretty much the only Dungeon magazine adventure for the Revised CS era.
What I like even more is Faces of the Forgotten North weaving Dote Mal Payne into the situation and subverting Spoil into finishing a focus to cast the spell in TGC.
Which one references the Harpers? Man, I might have to read all of the articles in Dragon & Dungeon over the next few days. It wasn’t one of the Polyhedron articles as far as I can verify.
I wish I could remember. I do remember being so astonished that I double checked to make sure I was looking at an official source and not a fan made one. I think I wrote the adventure down somewhere, but it was years ago. It could be any magazine, best of dragon, dragon annual, etc made during 2e, sorry. (maybe it is listed in the old dark sun collectors guide?)
There’s a lot of articles to go thru via the collector’s guide.
Well, I can take a look later. I can point out where it definitely isn’t at least.
Found it! It was Polyhedron 134, Intrigue in Raam. An NPC says “you sorta look like those Harper and Veiled Alliance types.” Not the only bizarre thing in the adventure, but certainly a big one.
Do you think the Desert Preacher in the Forest Maker, “Coggalan”, is a reference to Father Coughlin?